243 powders

This will sound crazy, but Retumbo turned out to be the best load for me with the Berger 105 gr. VLD. Best velocity and ES of the 5 powders I tried. Read a thread on it many years ago - that's what gave me the idea to even try it. Makes no sense, but there it is.....
Any recommendations on powders for the ole 243 probably going to shoot 100g pills. What is your favorite powder


I've found IMR4350 and H4350 have given me some excellent results with the 100gr Nosler Partition. Found a node at 47gr for the I4350 and 47.8 for the H4350, then played with seating depth. I can regularly put 5 shots in a dime size hole at 100yds, from a lead sled. Surprisingly the rifle is a short barrel Rem model seven.
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