243 ladder test h4350 help


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2019
Help me understand what's going on here. I've read we're people says not to shoot paper with a ladder test. But if not an I went by the velocity of the 2 different ones that was close I wouldn't be grouping. So help me understand. It was in the 90s when I shot this. I'm not a seasoned reloader but have been doing it a few years.


  • 986709A0-54D3-40C7-900A-B3DFA23399E3.jpeg
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To me it looks like you have a lower and upper node. #5 on the lower because it's a flat spot on the velocity and in the middle of a grouping with 4,5 and 6.
Same thing with 10,11 and12 I like #11.
What distance was this shot?
Some more information would be helpful. What range was this shot at? I'm guessing 100 yards. Also what bullet and chronograph are you using?
if I'm understanding your target ; it looks like shots #2 ,7 , 8 are in the same hole . I'd be looking at # 7 &8 . they are good vertical spread , and good velocity spread . looks like a node to explore .

did you previously shoot a seating depth test ? what distance is this shot from ?
100 yards no seating test yet. Started at .020 off
To me it looks like you have a lower and upper node. #5 on the lower because it's a flat spot on the velocity and in the middle of a grouping with 4,5 and 6.
Same thing with 10,11 and12 I like #11.
What distance was this shot?
I wouldn't use paper unless your at 300-600 yds. (600 being optimal). Then I'd shoot the ladder test in pairs: 1,1 2,2 etc; with this method, you have a "second chance" if you pooch one. You'll have a much better idea of your flat spots. good luck.
just my 2c.
I did shoot this test in pairs. I do have a 300 yard range at my house but have to drive little over an hour to the 1000 yard range. I move out to 300 on my seating test.
I did shoot this test in pairs. I do have a 300 yard range at my house but have to drive little over an hour to the 1000 yard range. I move out to 300 on my seating test.
Oh sorry. I only seen 1-12. a little confused that's all. I didn't see the other shots printed on paper. If your not shooting on the same paper then it's a different method then what I do. All good. Different strokes for different folks. FWIW I'd say 9-10 is your money maker.
I read it as potential node at 1&2, 4&5, 7&8.

I would test 3-5 shot groups in the 7-8 load range to see if ES shrinks and groups hold together. If not, I would search for the seating depth that does both.

Sorry, just looked at this again. First time I had just woke up from my nap. 🙄. ES on 7&8 is badass. I'd say pick one of those and enjoy. 👍
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