243 how far on deer

With 87, 95 and 105 Berger Hunting VLD bullets, I'm perfectly comfortable with 500 lbs of energy delivery.
The distance that comes depends on the velocity, as previously stated.

I believe the 1000lb number and even the 800lb number is based on "worst case scenario"

If you put your bullet where you're suppose to...500lbs is more than enough for even the biggest mule deer.

For bullets other than Bergers...I will not comment as I have no experience on what will or wont open up like it should.
How far out would a 243 95 gr Berger still be afactive on a deer tc single shoot barrel shooting 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards

I have had my 14 year old son harvest a mature doe at 312 yards. That was shooting off bipod and sand bag in back. We used a rangefinder to get exact yardage and was shooting a Ruger Mark 2 with Burris Signature Select 4x16 scope with mil dot reticle. He held first dot under cross hair and actually hit couple inches high. Deer may have went 20 yards if that. But instantly hit the ground. Great round and caliber.. gun)
How far out would a 243 95 gr Berger still be afactive on a deer tc single shoot barrel shooting 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards

Not nearly enough info. 1/2 MOA at 100 tells very little. What is your FPS?

It might be easier also if we had your max distance and what kind of accuracy you are getting.

I don't think you can put a simple number on it without knowing conditions you hunt under.

I know my limit with my 6 br, I also know how many deer I've taken past 500, 600 and 700 under ideal conditions. Depending on the day I might tell you 400 then again I might tell you 800 not ideal but has been done many times
I have an important hunt coming up this fall...I drew a premium X zone tag in the High Sierras and there are good size buck there. Deer species in this area are Rocky Mtn Mule deer & Colombian black tails.

I'm trying to decide on which gun and bullet to use, choosing between a 270win & 243win. I'd rather take my 243; in general I can shoot it more accurately and its lighter and has a 16x scope max vs a 9x max on the 270. I have the stats for vel & energy and both are good at 300 yards for a couple of bullet choices of each.

So, first question is, assuming I'll take shots out to 300 -350 yards would a 100 gr Interlock SP type bullet pack enough wollop with 2555fps/1450 ft lbs really be enough to bring a big boy down fast?

Other loads I have are Sierra 85gr HPBTs which are supposed to expand fast but still penetrate & be deadly on deer and Barnes 85gr TSX (2553fps/1230) which are harder and there is no end to the debate about them.

If these numbers are a little weak, I'll take my 270, but even with larger calibers I've read a lot of accounts here about various kinds of bullet failures and deer-ran-off stories; bullets either bouncing off or penciling through!

So, any advice on those choices of 243 bullets? This is an important hunt that I want to go right.
With my 243 AI and 95 or 105 gr Bergers, shooting anything at 300 yards is just too easy... and those bullets put a 1/4" deep crater in a steel plate at that range. Deeper than from a 308 175SMK.
With my 243 AI and 95 or 105 gr Bergers, shooting anything at 300 yards is just too easy... and those bullets put a 1/4" deep crater in a steel plate at that range. Deeper than from a 308 175SMK.

AI is a few hundred fps faster than a standard 243...Yes, I'm usually impressed with the damage to inanimate things but then I read these stories about deer running off after being hit with even a 7mmRM or 270Win.

If 300 yards is too easy, I guess you're saying that going by the velocity/energy numbers, the 243 is a short range gun for deer- under 400 yards. Personally, that would be my max for deer unless there is no wind at all. No wind off a bipod I can hold 3" groups @400 but that's just group size; it doesn't account for the fact that if your first shot gets carried by wind it may be off by several inches.
1 Shoot high BC bullets (note the reference to 95 and 105gr Bergers that you can't shoot out of any factory barrels I know of)

2 Verify your ballistics. If your drops are correct, the calculated windage should be good too.

3 Get a wind meter. Don't guess. At 350 yards with a 95gr Berger a 10mph crosswind = 2.0min of correction. At 500 yards its just over 3.0 min and still more than 1000ftlb of energy. How often do you have a direct 10mph crosswind ?

Animals can run off after hitting it with a 300gr 50 cal ML bullet at point blank range - IF you don't hit anything vital.

I would have absolutely no concerns shooting at deer sized animals out to 500-600 yards if you have the needed practice. For larger/tougher, I would step up to a 6.5x55 and 140gr VLD's or the 6.5x284. The old 308 with 175 SMK's will also probably be fine but wind drift will be greater.
I have an important hunt coming up this fall...I drew a premium X zone tag in the High Sierras and there are good size buck there. Deer species in this area are Rocky Mtn Mule deer & Colombian black tails.

I'm trying to decide on which gun and bullet to use, choosing between a 270win & 243win. I'd rather take my 243; in general I can shoot it more accurately and its lighter and has a 16x scope max vs a 9x max on the 270. I have the stats for vel & energy and both are good at 300 yards for a couple of bullet choices of each.

So, first question is, assuming I'll take shots out to 300 -350 yards would a 100 gr Interlock SP type bullet pack enough wollop with 2555fps/1450 ft lbs really be enough to bring a big boy down fast?

Other loads I have are Sierra 85gr HPBTs which are supposed to expand fast but still penetrate & be deadly on deer and Barnes 85gr TSX (2553fps/1230) which are harder and there is no end to the debate about them.

If these numbers are a little weak, I'll take my 270, but even with larger calibers I've read a lot of accounts here about various kinds of bullet failures and deer-ran-off stories; bullets either bouncing off or penciling through!

So, any advice on those choices of 243 bullets? This is an important hunt that I want to go right.

Is that a 100 grain going 2555 at the muzzle?
The 105 A-max is a great round in the 243. It will more than do the job on a deer at 300 yds.
In my experience, 500lbs of energy is enough to bring down deer. More may be desired, but not necessary.

Here's a video of a pair taken at 400. Please ignore the camera work, this was 4 years ago, before we actually started to seriously film our hunts.
A tripod would have made a world of difference.

This was with a 243WSSM, but the bullet I was shooting, was being sent at about 200 fps SLOWER than a standard .243 would send it.
Use a good bullet, at the right speeds and there should be no issues taking big deer at 600 yds. (or more with the right system)

Checked out the video...Okay, wow, now I'm convinced that at least starting with a 75gr Vmax on up is enough. I'm a little surprised the Vmax gave you enough penetration especially at 400 yrds. I was really concerned the 85gr HPBT SGK wouldn't have enough weight to smack a big one.

Where did you hit the first deer in the video? That one went down like a stone!
Hi there
I shoot almost exclusively with a factory Tikka T3 in .243.
I have shot alot of red deer(which I understand are ALOT bigger than what your hunting) as well as Tahr,wild pigs and goats.
Good bullets I have used(I like to try alot)
87gnBTHP Hornadys(fast expansion)
95gnBerger VLD(great long range expansion)
85gn Hornady Interbond(good penetration and expansion across distance)
95gn Nosler Ballistic tip(fast expansion)
75gn GS Custom(monolithic bullet like a Barnes,very deep penetration/little expansion)
65gn Hornady V-Max(only good for light varmits really)
I have tested all these on a wide range of game out to 400yards+ they all shoot sub MOA in my gun.
For deer I would reccomend the 85gn Interbond for most hunting but if you are keen on long range the Berger would be a better bullet. I would keep ranges inside 400yards(this is with experience on lager game like Red stags which are well over 300lbs)
I have just had a young german client take a mature Red Stag(live wieght 350lbs) with one shot at 300yards with the 85gn Interbond. Couldnt have asked for better results. You can have all the foot pounds in the world but in the end placement is the key.
I have had an American client shoot a bull Tahr 5 times with 300win mag and had a huge tracking/recovery mission to get that animal. And I have shot a mature Red hind with a single shot from a .22lr.
All about placement.
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