.243 for Whitetail

Take a look at federal fusion ammo too.. It is great ammo. It's loaded with the speer deep curl bullet, and it works!!! They also offer the fusion ammo in reduced recoil loads which in your case maybe be better to practice with, then resight it in and load the regular stuff for hunting season. Just a thought.
Great deer rifle. Shot my first deer (and many others) with a .243 a loonnggg time ago. My mother shot deer with it and it was the only rifle my father shot for 30 plus years for anything from ground squirrels to mule deer. It was his go-to rifle and a don't recall ever seeing him shoot anything twice with it.
Here's a pic of the Savage I ordered. It arrived just this past week. I haven't had a chance to fire it yet, but that's okay because I've been taking the time to read the manuals. I think I'll get out to the range this week.


  • Savage TH.png
    Savage TH.png
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I bought a Remington 243 for my daughter several years ago. She killed deer with it just fine with the 100 gr Cor Lokt. I started reloading all the brass she had left with 100 gr Sierra Game Kings. They kill very well. I have taken deer with them out to 240 yards no problem. Nice exits with good blood trails. They really were not needed because furthest tracking has been 40 yards. I took a ffriends boy this past season on 2 juvenile hunts and he put down 2 does DRT. One at 75 and another at 135. I think that Savage is just a horrible looking rifle and I would be willing to take it off your hands to save you any embarrassment.
I use Hornady 100gr SPBT interlocks and they just pile up the deer and shoot half MOA in my Weatherby Vanguard. Great bullet to start and end with.
Thanks, Sendor. I've got some American Whitetail 100 gr from Hornady on order. I've also got some Remington Core-Lokt 100 gr and some Winchester Super X PP, also 100 gr. Here in VA I don't think I'm going to get a shot much further out than 100 yards, and I'm confident any of these bullets in the right place will be sufficient to drop a buck out these parts.

You are correct. I'ne taken quite a few with plain ol' Reminton and Hornady 100 gr. "cup and core" bullets and have never needed to shoot twice. I prefer my .30-06 and 150 gr. bullets but, fact is, it doesn't kill a bit faster or deader with a similar hit.

Tell her to put the vertical cross wire between the front legs and the horizontal wire half way down from the top of what she sees and shoot him from any angle or distance she needs; it will be a drop-dead deer inside fifty yards - about 3 seconds! Never tried a Texas heart shot but haven't needed to either.

Given that I've had a total right shoulder joint replacement since the last time I deer hunted I'll be going back to my old .243.
Here's a pic of the Savage I ordered. It arrived just this past week. I haven't had a chance to fire it yet, but that's okay because I've been taking the time to read the manuals. I think I'll get out to the range this week.

you already have patience...youll be sucessful and have a lot of fun with that rifle. find what shoots most accurate in that rifle. bullet placement is more important than bullet weight.
Good choice, the 243 is a good deer rifle for her. I`ve been involved with numerous big bucks and big hogs shot with this caliber . And the guys and gals used 100gr Remington Core-lokt factory ammo also.Re-loading will give you some pretty outstanding choices for the 243 as well. Good luck and its always extra sweet when the wife is a part of all this for sure. Gary
My last buck just fell over, bang-flop. The .243 exit wound was about 2" in diameter. He didn't even try to get up. This was with the cheapest Federal factory ammo. 100gr. I have faith in my .243, even on a bigger animal.
Here's a update. My wife got 4 this year. Longest shot was 300 yds. All went down within 30 yds. Nuf said.
I use a 243 loaded with 95 gr Nosler ballistic tips at 3050 fps, and on regular basis account for blesbuck (more or less the size of whitetails), at distances of 300 to 400 meters. After the shot, they never go further than 50 meters before pulling up the handbrake !
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