.243 90 gr ELDX loads or favorite powder

Seems to be a versatile and very forgiving cartridge to reload for. I've got an 85 grain Sierra Gameking (BTHP) shooting really well out of my Cooper Custom Classic (24" tube) on 42 grains of IMR 4350. Could push it harder but I kinda live by the axiom of "less is more". Why burn the extra powder and beat up on you equipment? Haven't got the magnetospeed on it yet but I'll guess 3,125 FPS. Plenty for whitetails out to 225 from my heated blind. Now, I just need someone to pick them up for me so I don't get my slippers muddy.
i did finally find a pound of H4350 this weekend so i will get to trying it.. thanks for all the information guys!!
Anyone using the 90 gr ELDX have a favorite power? just got a couple boxes to mess around with and didnt know what everyone was using. i was using varget with the 85 TSX. I have bunch of that laying around if i should start with that or any suggestion would be great. thanks guys
43.7 gr of H4831sc
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