24" vs 28" 300 WinMag barrel length?

Go with a 28" barrel (@ min. go 26") you won't regret it. I push 215 Berger's at 2,900+ with a 28" Hart.
Go with a 28" barrel (@ min. go 26") you won't regret it. I push 215 Berger's at 2,900+ with a 28" Hart.

24" is already a heck of a barrel to lug around unless it's a bullpup but you'll see a lot of gain with a 28" with slower powders.

I'll keep my 24" ;)
General Rule #34 concerning barrels: Longer = Better.

The velocity of 25fps+ for every 1" holds pretty much for most cartridges. The 300 WinMag may be in the 30fps+ range because of bore/powder charge ratio.

The real change is when barrels get shorter than 20" and drop steeply at < 18".

Barrel up with a good sling and there is no real difference in packing between a 26" & 28" barrel. If it bothers you that much build up a Ruger #1 and save 5" to start!!!

There is more to gain in barrel length, for such a large cartridge, than just velocity. There is internal ballistic efficiency resulting in lower ES and better accuracy. This, overall, as somebody out there probably has a 300WM shooting 1/4moa despite too short of a barrel for the cartridge. On the other hand there is probably someone out there shooting 1/4moa with a longer 300WM and this is the gun I'd choose for distance shooting.

Other than weight, I can think of no gain in a short barrel -even with smaller cartridges. Weight can be managed or planned for, and the weight may be exactly what you need in 300WM. Afterall, recoil does nothing good for accuracy.

There are folks who take the shorter-stiffer notions beyond reality for hunting cartridges. Remember, guns fall into a balance whether great or crap. The best presenting a better balance.
Consider this 27" barrel for a tiny little 6Dasher using 32gr of varget: 0.40x" at 600 Yards — Schatz Shoots Small (Amazingly Small) « Daily Bulletin
I know, I know,, it's a wallet group. But the 27" barrel length didn't hurt, and makes consideration of shorter barrels for way larger cartridges seem amiss to me.
He's added weight to that gun to make it 17lbs. An extra pound in the scope, and probably 2-3lbs in the buttstock. You may need to add weight to bring a 28"+ barreled gun into balance. But all this should be considered and accepted in cartridge choice. You chose 300WM.
I personally have never had a problem with carrying a longer barreled rifle, even through dark timber and any other very thick country. I fully admit it my own preference. But for hunting rifles, velocity is good. For magnum cartridges, I think short barrels under 26" is a waste of potential.

With that said, I had my custom 300 win mag built with a 26" tube to be an all around versatile performer. I am getting accuracy at about 2850 fps with the 210 Berger VLD, and overall I've got the energy and accuracy to kill just about anything out to about 1200 yards in the high country where I hunt.

Whenever I wear out this barrel, I may consider moving up to 28"... but that's a ways off.
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