22 creedmoor

I have a 7 twist . 24" criterion. It shoot the 88elds well...for now. I have heard of the 88 blowing up with the 7 twist after the throat gets rough, or with certain powders. I haven't tried 90-95 grain anything yet. Just going to shoot the load I have. So if you mainly wanted to shoot 90 grain and lower, go with 8 twist. Or 7.5. 7 is fast enough for anything. Too fast for some.
I've put together two with criterion 7 twist 26" barrels to shoot 88gr elds. If you do go faster than 7.5 twist, make sure to get a 6 groove or 5r. The two criterions I used were 6 groove. I can run the 88 gr 3260fps fps with H4350 and 3350 fps with RL26. 22 Creedmoor is the funnest rifle I've shot. I won't be without a 22 Creedmoor. I do believe that it's the best cartridge that has developed from the Creedmoor parent case.
I started with a 8:1 twist 24" proof carbon barrel and had issues with stabilizing 85.5 and 90 grain bullets. Ended up putting a 6.5:1 Bartlein 26" barrel. Using the Berger stability calculator on their website, my gunsmith suggested I go to a 6.5:1 twist because at 7:1 twist he estimated the bullet to be marginally stable at 7:1. Just start breaking barrel in. So far shooting 85.5 g consistently under .5 moa - 5 shot groups using RL26
I run a 7.7 twist kreiger. 25". 41 h4350 gets me 3436-3500. Depending on powder lot .. 75 eldm at 2.100 ogive. .275 neck .089 FB I believe. Alpha brass LRP. I've ran the 80.5 Bergers also can't remember the load tho. Around 3380 I think it was with a similar charge
I have a 7 twist . 24" criterion. It shoot the 88elds well...for now. I have heard of the 88 blowing up with the 7 twist after the throat gets rough, or with certain powders. I haven't tried 90-95 grain anything yet. Just going to shoot the load I have. So if you mainly wanted to shoot 90 grain and lower, go with 8 twist. Or 7.5. 7 is fast enough for anything. Too fast for some.
Thank you for the info.
I've put together two with criterion 7 twist 26" barrels to shoot 88gr elds. If you do go faster than 7.5 twist, make sure to get a 6 groove or 5r. The two criterions I used were 6 groove. I can run the 88 gr 3260fps fps with H4350 and 3350 fps with RL26. 22 Creedmoor is the funnest rifle I've shot. I won't be without a 22 Creedmoor. I do believe that it's the best cartridge that has developed from the Creedmoor parent case.
Thank you.
I started with a 8:1 twist 24" proof carbon barrel and had issues with stabilizing 85.5 and 90 grain bullets. Ended up putting a 6.5:1 Bartlein 26" barrel. Using the Berger stability calculator on their website, my gunsmith suggested I go to a 6.5:1 twist because at 7:1 twist he estimated the bullet to be marginally stable at 7:1. Just start breaking barrel in. So far shooting 85.5 g consistently under .5 moa - 5 shot groups using RL26
A 260 Remington.

Not tracking with you John, I was wondering what you will be hunting for game with the rig.

Side note, I've been using a standard 22/250 with a 14 T for about 32 years now, hard to beat the big 22's for killing small big game like deer and lopes.

Recently, I built a lightweight 22/250 AI with a 8 T and 23" barrel on a 84M Kimber. It does really well with the 85.5 Bergs!
Not tracking with you John, I was wondering what you will be hunting for game with the rig.

Side note, I've been using a standard 22/250 with a 14 T for about 32 years now, hard to beat the big 22's for killing small big game like deer and lopes.

Recently, I built a lightweight 22/250 AI with a 8 T and 23" barrel on a 84M Kimber. It does really well with the 85.5 Bergs!
I live in south texas. I will be hunting deer. But I would like to shoot steel with it also.
Not tracking with you John, I was wondering what you will be hunting for game with the rig.

Side note, I've been using a standard 22/250 with a 14 T for about 32 years now, hard to beat the big 22's for killing small big game like deer and lopes.

Recently, I built a lightweight 22/250 AI with a 8 T and 23" barrel on a 84M Kimber. It does really well with the 85.5 Bergs!
Here are the 85.5 Berger's leavin the muzzle at 3400 in a 7.5 twist. Doe was broadside at 250-260 yards, she did the classic 4 hoof click straight up in the air and a confused dead 20 yard sprint! Complete pass thru about half the size of a golf ball entrance and golf ball exit. This year I'm going to focus on 69-73 grain bullets going faster 3700 to see if I can keep em inside the hide like 22-250! Yes he shot her with pajamas on!


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Not tracking with you John, I was wondering what you will be hunting for game with the rig.

Side note, I've been using a standard 22/250 with a 14 T for about 32 years now, hard to beat the big 22's for killing small big game like deer and lopes.

Recently, I built a lightweight 22/250 AI with a 8 T and 23" barrel on a 84M Kimber. It does really well with the 85.5 Bergs!
dogz what barrel brand and contour did you use?
I'm thinking of trying the 77 TMK in mine.
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