214 grain 30 cal hammer hunters

Yes, first 300 prc. Im very excited it put it through the paces

Defiance deviant ultralight
26 inch 3b bart 9 twist
Hawkins brake
Trigger tech special
Manners eh3
LPR marked bdl metal
Wyatts box

Built by Dallas Lane
Lane Precision Rifles.
I've been messing with the 214 in a 28" 9 twist 300RUM using N570 and getting 3170. I am at 700', haven't stretched that load out yet, 430 is the furthest so far but they shot under half MOA so far
I have 2 rifles from Dallas and am very happy with them.
I've been messing with the 214 in a 28" 9 twist 300RUM using N570 and getting 3170. I am at 700', haven't stretched that load out yet, 430 is the furthest so far but they shot under half MOA so far
I have 2 rifles from Dallas and am very happy with them.

Thank you.
I've had several LPR rifles and done some load work on many more. I've yet to sit behind one that didn't impress the heck out of me.

Thank you for the info. Id be curious to see if your bc matches the website if you ever get the opportunity to air them out.
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