214 gr hammer in a 300 prc?

I've done both the 214s and 199s in my 300 win mag. Both shot well. I found I can accurately drive the 199s at 3128 fps so I went with the 199s. Killed 4 animals ranging in size from 50lb javalina to a 350lb oryx with them. Wrecked everything all animals including my Aoudad were bang flop.
Elkeater you mind sharing your load data? Thanks
Sure. And I shouldn't have to say it but I'm gonna say it anyways, work up to this load. I'm running 80gr H1000 in ADG brass loaded to 3.550" COAL. 26" 8 twist barrel. It's a warm load but no pressure signs.


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unfortunately I could not get them to stabilize or any other heavier bullets. it turns out the gunsmithing put 1-10 twist not a 1-9 . I won the rifle and he refuses to make it right. so I am thinking of trying the 196 hammers that are made for a 1-10.
I would I was able to get the 181's in my win mag to
1k pretty easy so the extra speed should really help you. I always chase higher bc till the last few years when I realized I rarely need the bc I'm spending so much effort to get.
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