2019 Antelope was a blast.

I'd bet most here would also laugh at the video of you trying to remove the stick from your butt.
The people preaching "rule #1 violation" or synonyms for it is getting kind of old. It's like they think that belittling other people for not being as good as they are and having a "holier than thou" tone will cause people to submit to their opinions and beliefs. Instead of just keeping their opinions to themselves and moving on, they must push them as if they think their opinion actually matters to those they are preaching to.

I love it here. 3 antelope tags, a bull elk tag, a cow elk tag, a mule deer tag, unlimited whit tail tags, and if I want, a black bear and mountain lion tag, every single year either over the counter or 100% draw odds. I don't buy any meat, and my family loves all the wild game. Best state on earth.
Very interesting footage of the fight. Funny how they both seemed to agree on when it was time to rest!

Wow! Very efficient and humane shot placement. I like to take shots like that but always trash the backstraps when I do so I just go for the textbook boiler room/ heart shot. I can't really tell in the video - are you hitting then in the neck or high shoulder?
I waited too late to get tags this year. I will go next year. I took this nice buck in Thermopolis and have taken others in Casper.
Depends on the guy I shoot hearts and heads. On something so small.
Wow! Very efficient and humane shot placement. I like to take shots like that but always trash the backstraps when I do so I just go for the textbook boiler room/ heart shot. I can't really tell in the video - are you hitting then in the neck or high shoulder?
But shoulders do work well also.
Opening day today. 620 yards. .280 Rem, 140 gr accubond handloads at 3040 fps. Cold, wet, snow and sleet. 26 degrees when I got there. Rangefinder did not want to work this morn. Took over a dozen tries to get a couple of readings on the ol' Sig. Still trying to get the stick out of my rear though. You guys have a great season.
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They were laughing at the called head shot at 890 yards. It's a LR forum which also brings questions good on you for teaching hunters safety!
Its a lot different laughing at a shot like that on a steel plate than at an animal. And I understand the satisfaction of the shooter and even the amazement of the guide. But honestly I don't believe it should have been posted on the internet for all to see without muting it or dubbing it. It could be used as an anti-hunting weapon showing us as heartless animals. When nothing could be farther than the truth. At least for the vast majority of us.
Its a lot different laughing at a shot like that on a steel plate than at an animal. And I understand the satisfaction of the shooter and even the amazement of the guide. But honestly I don't believe it should have been posted on the internet for all to see without muting it or dubbing it. It could be used as an anti-hunting weapon showing us as heartless animals. When nothing could be farther than the truth. At least for the vast majority of us.

Last thing I'm going to do is change who or what I am to tip toe around a bunch of anti ***. The biggest problem sportsman face is their wishywashY yellow backed so called brothers. They are never going to like us even if we crop and hide ever little inconvenient truth. I have seen it first hand all my life, sugar coat this and don't say that. Next thing you know you are trying to find your balls but you have been castrated long ago in an attempt for political correctness. I say don't like it DONT WATCH.
The left still hasn't got my balls. Here is to you finding yours.

PS a shot like that on steel is a common occurrence no one gets giddy over it. With the exception of my 6 year old son who is now consistently hitting 800 yard targets.
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