2016-17 Winter coyotes

Some great pic's by so many of you predator killers. Heath Baker, I checked out some of your Alpha Dog Down vids, pretty cool. Some very nice longrange shots. I noticed the bottom left pic is Nikon's new Black Series scope, I haven't even had my hands on one of them but hopefully soon. Bounty, love your pics too. Is there still a market for good coyote pelts?
I have been averaging in the mid $80.00 range straight across average.
The high on a coyote at the last NAFA auction was $400.00 and they sold 30,000 coyotes. The auction sold out on coyotes but nothing else. Coyotes are the only fur that has held its value and demand is greater than supply.
Great winter day hunting coyotes and a unlucky magpie, that can been seen in the video.

Video both of them! The one with the magpie was fun to watch.
Called this coyote in and shot him across the river. 6.5 Grendel 123 Hornady SST. Leupold VX6 3-18


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My favorite coyote pic of the year is this one with my daughter. Watched this one come from a long ways away. I couldn't get him to stop until he was about 15 yards out and then he was covered by some brush. No shot. He ran off and stood broadside at 40-50 yards. The 85 TSX did a nice job at close range.


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My favorite coyote pic of the year is this one with my daughter. Watched this one come from a long ways away. I couldn't get him to stop until he was about 15 yards out and then he was covered by some brush. No shot. He ran off and stood broadside at 40-50 yards. The 85 TSX did a nice job at close range.

Very cool! How old is your daughter?
First couple trip pictures from this last winter anyhow


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My Halloween day coyote, male, 26.6 lbs. .204 Ruger, 40 gr. V-Max at 40 yds. Took out whole left shoulder blade. Leg was dangling by hide. Called with Fox pro and various sounds. Showed up at around 20 min.


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