2013 Wyoming mule deer hunt


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2014
Owosso, MI
Bagged this 4X3 at a friends ranch just outside Clearmont, Wyoming the day after the big snow storm last year that shut down I-90 while I was looking for a antelope for my wife. She was at the truck with a boot issue so I went up the hill right off the road that felt like it was almost straight up (my friend and his family owns both sides of the dirt road for several miles) to what I thought would just be glassing trip with my friends mother walking with me, he was guiding some customers. I got to the top did a bit of looking around and we decided to move to my left to get to a point that would let us look over the big valley a little better while the wife was still messing with her boot at the truck lol. We walked a very small distance 50 yards I would say and it dipped a little with a small cut between us and that point we intended to walk the ridge around to get to the point we wanted to get to. As we got to the edge of that small dip on top of that wide ridge I look up and at 50 or 60 yards I have this guy looking me in the face and all I see is his head he was bedded in that cut. I stand there for a minute thinking ok first good muley buck I have seen its the first day of hunt, I'll shoot him. I'd be proud that would be my first Muley. I saw some spikes earlier that mourning though. As we stare at each other he pointed towards the hill going to the road that in a straight line is about a 100 yards but walking is more like 4 or 500. I decide ok i'll just slowly crouch wrong he spins heads towards the point we were head for i take about 5 steps flipped the bipod legs out on my harris dive to the ground prone. My friends mother says to me he will stop before he goes around the point I'm thinking ok will he stops at what distance but she just repeats trust me he will stop. I couldn't believe it this deer actually stopped not broad side but going away from me but going up hill so his length of body is exposed. She says to me "hammer him" I say "hes not broad side" I here back "Paul (her son) said you can shoot drop his ***!" So I settle the cross hairs in on his spine between his shoulder blades and stoked the fire inside my Browning Abolt 270win. He rares up on his back legs they buckled then he proceeded to do backwards cartwheels further into what I called the ditch from hell as there was about 4 feet of loose snow in that cut in the bottom. Now I have a problem, I loved the idea of chasing muleys, now it never leaves my mind as I plan hunts 3 to 4 years in advance lol. I think I'm addicted to them. By the way the wife never even heard the shot I personally think she was sleeping in the truck lol


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