2 piece floorplate


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
I have a buddy who just bought a new stock for a custom build using a M70 action. Can you substitute a 1 piece hinged floorplate instead of using a 2 piece? He is having trouble finding a 2 piece floor plate.
I have a buddy who just bought a new stock for a custom build using a M70 action. Can you substitute a 1 piece hinged floorplate instead of using a 2 piece? He is having trouble finding a 2 piece floor plate.
Stock inletting is different between the two. Not a "drop-in", by any means. Inletting for the 'one piece' will be required, if the stock is inletted for the 'two piece'.
It's for an hs precision. I believe it's already been inletted. Would that still be a problem?
It is able to be done. I just did this for my one M70 (about 1992). The gun was originally a 2 piece floor plate, but with the one modification I had done to the rifle, I had to go with a 1 piece floorplate.

It takes some time for this, and being very careful. Mine is a bit tight, but goes in and works nice. I used a Dremel to clear the material from the stock as needed. I lined up the bolt holes with the action bolts, marked the stock as needed, and then carefully removed the extra material. I was fitting the bottom metal as going to see how it was fitting. I then used Devcon around the bottom to bed the bottom metal to the stock. I also bedded the action at this time too.

The one piece bottom metal will go deeper into the stock compared to the 2 piece.

If you friend is looking for a 2 piece bottom metal, does the action take 3 bolts or 2? The newer ones with a 1 piece bottom metal do not have the center bolt hole in the action, well at least my FN M70 doesn't.

Has he contacted HS with any questions? They might inlet it for him for a small price so that that the 1 piece will fit correctly.

Hope some of this helps.

It has 3 holes, but he is going to have a gunsmith do it for him.

Tha know for the reply and detail!
I have a buddy who just bought a new stock for a custom build using a M70 action. Can you substitute a 1 piece hinged floorplate instead of using a 2 piece? He is having trouble finding a 2 piece floor plate.

Not a At all. The screw spacing is different. A single life was wade by FN and is a third action length called an intermediate action designed for WSM's. But you can chamber almost anything in them since they are crf.

I own one, and I just built on the action. It was a huge PIA at every step.
All post '64 long actions have the same guard screw hole spacing, regardles of XTR, Classic, Ranger, whatever. All post '64 short actions, except those made for the WSSM (that's Winchester Super Short Magnum) have the same guard screw hole spacing. H-S Precision stocks made for the Winchesters are made to accept 2 piece bottom metal. Bell & Carlson stocks for the Winchesters are made for the one piece. Inletting for the 2 piece can be 'opened up' for the one piece. A stock made for the one piece bottom metal will leave huge gaps if used with 2 piece bottom metal. There's a cheap, aluminum 'filler block' made for that. Maybe someone has a CNC progam to cut the one piece. But I haven't found them yet, as it only takes about an hour to a hour and a half to do it by hand (chisels & gouges, careful filing to widen the mid magzine area) and have done several over the past few years. I haven't the desire to defile or bastardize a pre '64, unless it's to inlet one into a quality wood blank (preferably Enlish Walnut). The last WSM I did fit very nicely into a B&C with PT&G hinged bottom metal, and it was a push feed..... A factory .270 WSM re-barreled with a Hart to the same caliber. A "Shadow" or "Stealth" I believe (but don't get me lyin' to ya', as I don't keep up with all the fancy names gun companies give their products), that from the factory had only a trigger guard/blind magazine and used 3 screws. This seems to be the most common mistake the novice/non-professional make,,,,, buying the wrong stuff that ends up not working as it should, costing more in the long run or ends up looking like...........
All post '64 long actions have the same guard screw hole spacing, regardles of XTR, Classic, Ranger, whatever. All post '64 short actions, except those made for the WSSM (that's Winchester Super Short Magnum) have the same guard screw hole spacing. H-S Precision stocks made for the Winchesters are made to accept 2 piece bottom metal. Bell & Carlson stocks for the Winchesters are made for the one piece. Inletting for the 2 piece can be 'opened up' for the one piece. A stock made for the one piece bottom metal will leave huge gaps if used with 2 piece bottom metal. There's a cheap, aluminum 'filler block' made for that. Maybe someone has a CNC progam to cut the one piece. But I haven't found them yet, as it only takes about an hour to a hour and a half to do it by hand (chisels & gouges, careful filing to widen the mid magzine area) and have done several over the past few years. I haven't the desire to defile or bastardize a pre '64, unless it's to inlet one into a quality wood blank (preferably Enlish Walnut). The last WSM I did fit very nicely into a B&C with PT&G hinged bottom metal, and it was a push feed..... A factory .270 WSM re-barreled with a Hart to the same caliber. A "Shadow" or "Stealth" I believe (but don't get me lyin' to ya', as I don't keep up with all the fancy names gun companies give their products), that from the factory had only a trigger guard/blind magazine and used 3 screws. This seems to be the most common mistake the novice/non-professional make,,,,, buying the wrong stuff that ends up not working as it should, costing more in the long run or ends up looking like...........

The post 2008 models with single piece ( I hate auto correct!) floor plates that are stamped by FN have a different screw spacing and everything. I have one of them, it stinks! Almost no aftermarket parts available.

If you want a BM that is guaranteed to fit, you need to know the date range yours was made in.
Here's a link for factory Winchester parts. www.midwestgunworks.com Got lots of good info, too. At the top of the "Winchester 70 Factory Parts" page, at the bottom of the paragraph at the top of the page is a link to Model 70 info. At the bottom of the info page is a nice chart. Some ought to check this out. Ol' Punisher must have been craming a Winchester in a stock for a Howa or Mauser, as they're flat bottomed too, and thats why it was such a PIA. That nice little chart at the bottom of the Winchester info page thats on MGW site shows only three action lengths and their guard scew hole spacing. Now, mind you, this company is a Winchester Factory Authorized Repair Center. It is one of many places a person can find this information, if they bother to look around a bit......
Here's a link for factory Winchester parts. www.midwestgunworks.com Got lots of good info, too. At the top of the "Winchester 70 Factory Parts" page, at the bottom of the paragraph at the top of the page is a link to Model 70 info. At the bottom of the info page is a nice chart. Some ought to check this out. Ol' Punisher must have been craming a Winchester in a stock for a Howa or Mauser, as they're flat bottomed too, and thats why it was such a PIA. That nice little chart at the bottom of the Winchester info page thats on MGW site shows only three action lengths and their guard scew hole spacing. Now, mind you, this company is a Winchester Factory Authorized Repair Center. It is one of many places a person can find this information, if they bother to look around a bit......

No, I wouldn't try putting it in another stock, I had to order the correct stock Tom Manners. Got a heck of a wait time and spent about $500 more than I wanted to.
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