2 deer down! 4000 + fps load works.

@ButterBean , @scope-eye , @Muddyboots I can't remember if it was you three or not that I said I'd be sure to fill in on how this .300 blackout bullet performed at such speeds but I know we talked a bit during the load development stage so figured I'd tag you gentlemen here. It is more violent than any load I've seen. "The blender". And it appears it sheds its petals. I don't know if the leg hit on the buck exited, will find out when I butcher it.
Awesome! I have friend that shoots the BO at warp speed in his 300WM and the carnage with WT's is ugly. But he claims nobody walks away. I am going to see how fast my .270TH will push the 117HH and hoping for 3600+ but need to get thru end of bow season before I hit range.

Speed kills!
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