150 Ballistic tips for bear?

NO NO NO to the use of any ballistic tip on any big game animal....they shoot great groups but are worthless in the woods, they would be my last choice in any caliber for anything other awesome groups...imo
NO NO NO to the use of any ballistic tip on any big game animal....they shoot great groups but are worthless in the woods, they would be my last choice in any caliber for anything other awesome groups...imo
Hogwash..i used BTs in my 270 Win for decades and killed deer with it from in my lap out to over 400 yards. Never lost a single animal and almost everyone was DRT.
Update: my daughter has yet to shoot with the 308, but I have offered my 300 WM as I am tagged out in NM!
My shot was 213 yards slight downward angle. 212 eldx. No exit. Hit rib on entry just behind should. Clipped the heart. Went 30 yards. Outfitter let me dig around in the bear and I found pieces of bullet.
Thoughts on my bullet. See pic!


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I know recoil is an issue, especially for young shooters. I like high sectional density bullets. For my 7mm's I use 160 gr. or 168 gr. for everything but javelina. To get that sectional density in a .308, you'd need 180 gr. bullets. The 165's should be good enough. Better to have a gun she can handle and shoot well.
I have taken black bear with a 308 but I used a 150 gr Partition.
Intry and exit wound a blind man could follow.
He ran about 20 yards.
I use Ballistic Tips for deer and have had no problems
Since we eat all the game I harvest we prefer the all copper Barnes bullets. That way there are no lead particles anywhere in the meat. Many one shot DRT harvests with Barnes TSX including deer, elk, bear, kudu, gemsbok and wildebeest.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and give you some benefit of the doubt: I suspect your bad experiences happened with the early ballistic tips. Is this true?

The early ones were essentially frangible. The current ones are not, much thicker tapered jacket and they're not all the same
From caliber to caliber or even within the same caliber. The 180 grain 30 cal is very stout actually, leaves good exit wounds on big whitetail bucks in my experience and I know a guide who exclusively uses a .300 win mag with 180 ballistic tips for elk hunting, for over a decade, no failures.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and give you some benefit of the doubt: I suspect your bad experiences happened with the early ballistic tips. Is this true?

The early ones were essentially frangible. The current ones are not, much thicker tapered jacket and they're not all the same
From caliber to caliber or even within the same caliber. The 180 grain 30 cal is very stout actually, leaves good exit wounds on big whitetail bucks in my experience and I know a guide who exclusively uses a .300 win mag with 180 ballistic tips for elk hunting, for over a decade, no failures.
Careful, limbs have been known to crack..unannounced !! I will NEVER USE ANOTHER ONE EVEN IF NOSLER GAVE ME A LIFETIME FREE SUPPLY...and I'm serious....one of the best grouping big factory ever but that's where she ends...
Better 400yds than 4 yds. I would say a 180gr and under 200yds would be a better set up.
Update, day 3 of the hunt and she killed a cinnamon @100 yards. Complete pass thru the 165 bonded, DRT.
Wow Awesome!!!! GREAT Bear and congratulations. She shot a great trophy and better than probably 75% of the hunters that shoot bear over bait within 25 yards like shooting fish in a barrel.
Again congratulations on getting a Bear Free Range!
Careful, limbs have been known to crack..unannounced !! I will NEVER USE ANOTHER ONE EVEN IF NOSLER GAVE ME A LIFETIME FREE SUPPLY...and I'm serious....one of the best grouping big factory ever but that's where she ends...
Hey fair enough man. Was just curious. No need to fry them again, there's so many good options….the amount of choice we have is overwhelming. But the fact does remain that they did in fact heed the negative feedback from those earlier days and redesigned them to be better big game bullets, to which I say good for them. Always good when a company actually listens to what it's customers are telling them.