Well-Known Member
I enjoy reading this kind of thread. I am always intrigued with the stand and fight plan, mostly because I don't own anything that requires it. I shudder to think of stockpiling the amount of ammo that would require for the long haul. Which raises the question do you think you have enough ammo for your 1 rifle to rule them all scenario?
I have no trouble starting a new thread and apologize in advance if I should have.
No apology needed.
How much is enough? One round may be all you get off so it could be anywhere from one round up to any number depending on the thickness of your wallet and your spouses tolerance for loaded ammunition around the house.
I look at stockpiling any amount of ammunition as an exercise in overindulgence of a distant threat that may or may not come to be.
I much prefer to have the components on hand to make what I require as I require it.
In other words, fresh is better than old.
But then I handload everything.
I guess if you don't reload/handload, then having a large number of unfired, loaded rounds is like having a warm blanket.
I've heard of people hermetically sealing containers of rounds and burying them in a descrete location. If I did that, I'd forget where I buried them.
I base my unfired inventory solely on use frequency. I shoot quite a bit of 22 rimfires so I have a couple thousand on hand all the time but I shoot very little of the 338 caliber so I have maybe 40 loaded. I shoot a fair number of 308's so I usually keep a couple hundred in various bullet designs for different applications and in handgun loads, I shoot my 44 and my 45 ACP quite a bit so those are in hundred quantities and 20 or so 45LC's and 410 shot shells for my derringer which I carry concealed.
I can load when I want to and I have the components on hand at all times so why stockpile ammunition over and above what I require over a set period of time, that time interval being what I consider fresh versus stale.