“Your groups are too small” vs barrel life

If it won't shoot sub moa with 2 shots.....3 ain't gonna make it better.
When I'm starting out with INITIAL load work...this is my starting point. 2 shot groups to get an idea of pressure, powder charge and group size.
If I'm working up a series, and none in the series show promise with 2 shots...I don't need to re-test with 3 shots. I need to change a variable.
If pressure is good, and speed is good...I'll change seating depth or crimp and re-test with 2 shots toward the upper end of the velocity goal.
This is similar to what I do. I rarely crimp though. Only sometimes on bullets that have a groove. I've had that help es/ds but never accuracy? Interesting
What I find telling from Keith Glasscock's video is that his highly specialized/customized F-class rifle is not the 0.175 MOA shooter you would assign from his 3 shot group, but is actually a 0.761 MOA shooter based on his 33 shots of that load. That should tell us something about our hunting rigs and our over estimation of their true accuracy.
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