Lead poisoning from eating game shot with lead core bullets?

I have seen signs that tell fishermen that they should limit consumption of caught fish to one serving a month. There is absolutely no chance that I'd eat a fish from those waters once in a lifetime. LOL
I grew up in Erie, PA, on the south shore of Lake Erie. The smokestacks of Detroit put a ton of particulate into the air when I was a kid growing up, and it made for some spectacular sunsets out over the lake. It also polluted the hell out of the water, and you could see the mercury in the fattier parts of the fish, especially salmon & steelheads. It was mostly along the bellies, and the lower parts of the filets. We cut that part off and threw it away, and ate the rest. That was probably a mistake.

Years later, I had testing done, and have high levels of lead, mercury, and cadmium. I have done a lot of things to try to get it out of my system, and it is difficult. My wife grew up in Singapore, about a mile downwind of an Eveready battery factory. Same story - high levels of the same metals; much worse than mine. We both have health issues that relate to this, but are mostly OK for a couple of old-timers. We also both have had a lot of relatives die from strange diseases. Her family had had a lot of cancers, some while still pretty young. Our family has been more fortunate in that regard - not many cancers, but a whole host of other issues. Anybody who poo-poo's the heavy metal thing has his head in the sand.
Flint water issue was a colossal screw up by Flint and City of Detroit. Anyone with even minimal water treatment knowledge should have spoke up. Nobody did. Water supply decisions were not based upon any potable water policies or regulations. Mind boggling stupidity that is so commonly displayed by municipal leaders clueless of environmental requirements. Save money on a basic right of citizens, clean potable water.
I think they knew about it. We were testing water in the 70's and it got more involved as the year rolled on. We begin to think that the EPA had a spring somewhere that was supper clean. They would come up with a new tests that could tests everything. I think they used it as a standard for everybody else. I read about Flint and importing water. They were well aware of the lead testing. Why they don't go to jail is beyond me.