I’m Convinced. No Lead Bullets for Game

The same people who buy into this modern bogie man, will most likely eat all types of processed, factory and store purchased foods without having any idea where it came from nor what is in it. Just read the ingredients label on everything you buy to eat, the number of annual recalls due to various viruses, bacteria, poisonings, etc, and people are worried about killing game with lead bullets?

"Every year, foodborne illnesses sicken 50 million Americans and claim an estimated 3,000 lives."
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Having young kids I've moved to copper monos for everything.

Young kids or not, Mono offerings have worked well for me. My aim point may have changed to some degree since shifting to monolithic depending on which mono I am using. For the record, Long range hunting is not a thing for me. My average shot distance on game is less than 100 yards when hunting deer. (only larger game I hunt)

I have used the monolithic bullets in 270 winchester, 6.5 grendel & primary recently in 6mm ARC. This is with bolt action rifles in all cases. Monos in these situations simply works & work well in my experience. While it is not news that cup & core bullets work well as well, there are instances where each can be more reliable.

understand the strengths & weakness of monos & proceed accordingly. For me, Brachial plexus shot placment is more frequently used since going monolithic. I also favor the brachial plexus shot placement with many cup & core offerings since discovering this option.
I've shot my share of mono's but they do less damage and result in slower deaths longer blood trails which if your out west might not be a big deal. Down here it might mean your deer runs off your property or in a swamp or pine thicket.
I could have cared less about lead in meat when I switched to barnes bullets 15 years ago. I did it for performance like memtb said. I like 2 holes and good blood trail, and not having to wait for the perfect broadside shot like the hunting shows. You really can't watch that video and wonder, imagine if he was taking those high shoulder shots. How much more lead would be in the meat? Sounds like using copper bullets has some additional positive benefits.
Well for everyone that has positive experience there's one that has negative. I've tried copper but not for the irrational fear most copper manufacturers try to push. I have NEVER had an issue with the type/brand of bullets I used and was supremely happy and confident in them. Switched to copper and found it to be very lack luster. They rendered my traditional preferences in hunting weight bullets useless, they were finicky, and we saw a significant lack of terminal performance. Tried out the hype and wasn't impressed. The icing was the loss of game animals. Switched back to what never failed and have been happy ever since. Glad the OP is convinced with what works for him. But they have zero representation in our camp for legitimate reason.
We shoot lead and believe big game rifle cartridges don't start with a 6. It's never failed us, little copper rounds have!
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My application & yours may differ. My implementation & yours may differ. My Experiences with 6mm ARC has offered extremely good results going on 4 years now. Seems our experiences differ.

FWIW 87 gr Absolute Hammer & Hornady 90 gr CX have been the Monolithic projectiles, I have used in the 6mm ARC to good effect thus far. Suppose no reason to change.

Seems I may not be allowed in the anti 6 camp:)
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Some folks are catching on! For overall performance…..pretty difficult to beat monos! memtb
If it works for you use it , the fact that in California they tell us we have to use it and steel shot for upland birds is a joke way more cripple birds lost . If the Experts from the government tell you it's the best , don't believe it 👎
Right after he shoots his young buck, seems he was doing something else as a brute with what looked like a 3x3 slowly walks across the field. Check the video at 11:21. I'm hollerin' at the screen, "take the shot!".
Heck, I ate dirt and paint as a kid.
If it works for you use it , the fact that in California they tell us we have to use it and steel shot for upland birds is a joke way more cripple birds lost . If the Experts from the government tell you it's the best , don't believe it 👎

I could care less about the gooberment bs. If the gooberment supports/pushes it…..it's very likely political propaganda!

I like monos for their performance on game! memtb

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