What's A Good Bullet For Bagging DRONES?

What's a good B&C score for a drone?
If I see any, I want to make sure that I get a good one :cool:
I think I saw a state record this past summer. Had to be 8 foot or better outside to outside. It was bedded down in a produce field just about ready to bolt as a young woman approached it. I hope she's ok.
Anti-aircraft 10 ga. deer loads will have the altitude reach needed!


Assuming YOU have FAA permission to shoot drones, What's a good .223/5.56 bullet for bringing one down?

Thanks 282
Be careful know what your rights are my son has 4 and does seeding, fertilizer,chemicals to help with new growth and like the guy said you have to have a faa pilot license

Assuming YOU have FAA permission to shoot drones, What's a good .223/5.56 bullet for bringing one down?

Thanks 282
That's right not all drones are bad some are used for agricultural work like my sons busniess
When did the FAA get to decide what's an acceptable altitude over my private property? If I own the mineral rights under said property (the deed says so), then I also own the air rights above it to a reasonable altitude. 500 feet is reasonable. Below that and I'm going to be pretty upset.

I liked the French method for taking down the drones that were flying over their nukes. Another drone with basically a fishing net hanging under it. Just need to get close to the offending drone and tangle it's props.
72 yo Florida man shot down a walmart delivery drone flying 75 feet over his house with a 9mm ( good shot)---- he was arrested and ordered to pay $5000 restitution to Walmart for destroying their drone and serve 25 hours of community service-- the ex fire capitan took a plea deal rather than face up to 5 years in prison
That's what it cost me...
Summary of a long story. It flew over my camp and paused then moved away. It came back and paused again.
I shot it down. The operator came to retreive it. He was flying it to practice using the thermal camera for the local fire dept. search and rescue team. We agreed to both be wrong and I didn't want the Fire Dept. to be without life saving equipment so I replaced it.
72 yo Florida man shot down a walmart delivery drone flying 75 feet over his house with a 9mm ( good shot)---- he was arrested and ordered to pay $5000 restitution to Walmart for destroying their drone and serve 25 hours of community service-- the ex fire capitan took a plea deal rather than face up to 5 years in prison
I think that's a totally different scenario. The law is the same regardless , but if I lived in a crowded suburban neighborhood, I would have a little less expectation of privacy than I do on my rural homestead. Either way, if its over the road or front yard, that's one thing. Hovering over my backyard is a different matter 🙂
I have no problem with a person, company, or legitimate business flying a drone for legitimate purposes as long as they have the proper permit/licenses. There are however some people that operate or can operate these drones for illicit and criminal purposes. Besides taking pictures of people, they can be used for surveillance of when you are home, how many people live there, vehicles, etc. Some of the more sophisticated drones can even get information from your electronic devices. Drones for legitimate purposes would not be hovering over residences or campsites. I believe if that occurs, they are fair game. Just my opinion.