When Did You Start: Handloading and Shooting LR


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2024
Just out of curiosity, when did you start:

1) Handloading - Mine was 1964

2) LR shooting (beyond 600 yards) - Early 1970's. A friend invited me to my first 800 yard shoot where I handled my first ever Palma rifle, and I've been hooked ever since.
Been reloading for approximately 60 years, look in a reloading manual for the powder I was using and bullet. Pick a middle of the road load and load it to the coal they suggested. Then about 2010 found this sight and started reading and realized I didn't know squat about reloading for good enough accuracy for long range. Didn't join until 2013. Have purchased a lot of items to help improve my reloading skills. Am I a professional. No. But I have made progress. It's a deep rabbit hole but it's been an enjoyable trip and I continue to try and improve. Thank you to all the members that share and help with various issues. Have a nice day everyone and be safe.
Started when I was 12, some 46 years ago. Started with shots shells and moved into brass cartridge reloading. Didn't really have anyone to help me so I book learned. Like @dmj , this sight has helped me grow and learn as well as given me another place to put something back into.

Always greatful for the help and the laughs.
I started long range while I was in college in the late 90s with an inline muzzleloader. I tweaked it until I could shoot roughly MOA groups and hunted out to 300 yards with it, which is pretty long range with a ML given the trajectory with Pyrodex or 777. Later extended target shooting to 500 yards when the 325 FTX came out.

I started reloading at the same time I got my first centerfire rifle (300WM) in 2001. The rifle has never fired a round of factory ammo to this day.
I started reloading for shotguns in high-school. Then borrowed a press and dies from a friend after I got out of the army in the early eighties. When I lived in Alaska in the mid eighties I got serious about reloading and shooting at longer distances. It's been down the rabbit hole every since. I have picked up a lot of good tips from this forum and add new and better gear all the time.
Just out of curiosity, when did you start:

1) Handloading - Mine was 1964

2) LR shooting (beyond 600 yards) - Early 1970's. A friend invited me to my first 800 yard shoot where I handled my first ever Palma rifle, and I've been hooked ever since.
I started in 1974. I paid $75.00 for a beautiful Remington 600 in .222. It came with a soft case, a private label scope, and a little Lee Loader, with a box of premeasured scoops. Great fun! I purchased a RCBS Rockchucker press in '79, it's served me well!
Just out of curiosity, when did you start:

1) Handloading - Mine was 1964

2) LR shooting (beyond 600 yards) - Early 1970's. A friend invited me to my first 800 yard shoot where I handled my first ever Palma rifle, and I've been hooked ever since.

I started hand loading in 67 (as best I can remember) @ age 15, using a Lee Loader for my .308 Winchester (Model 88 Winchester) that I bought when I was 14. I picked up a lot of pecans and mowed a few lawns, and worked at a country grocery store to get the cash.

I didn't have any mentors, just some hunting magazines and a burning desire to reload and shoot.

As far as long range hunting…..I haven't arrived there yet! memtb
Handloading - about 12 years ago
LR shooting - probably 8 years ago.

I spent 9 years out east for medical training, so that definitely took a toll on my free time and access to ranges. Now that I'm in Montana and not in residency/fellowship anymore, the amount of shooting I do has increased quite a bit.