I think we might be long lost brothers! I only learn one way, and that's the hard way.They say...good decisions come from experience. And experience comes from bad decisions. This is certainly true for me.
I think we might be long lost brothers! I only learn one way, and that's the hard way.They say...good decisions come from experience. And experience comes from bad decisions. This is certainly true for me.
You save money after being on this forum???Nice advice. I read on here all the time to keep learning new things others have tried. Saves money!
So my new method (as of about 1.5 years ago) is load 10 rounds of 3 to 4 different bullet powder combos. Shoot each ten round bunch round robin using a 2 to 3 minute timer on my phone.My load development group sizes begins with 3 shot. Anything of interest gets 3 shot groups reloaded with smaller powder increments or varying seating depths, never both. Repeat until the best 2 or 3 loads show up. If one/two of those are good enough for that rifle purpose/setup I load 5 shot groups. The best of those gets 10 shots. If the 10 shot group is not good (given good technique and conditions), back to one of the others that showed promise somewhere along the way.
I "think" that I am using less components and conserving barrel life in that process. For lighter contour barrels, 10 shot groups take a considerable time to shoot and not overheat that barrel. I already generally take 3 or 4 rifles/loads to the range. One purpose for that is to allow time for the barrel to cool/rate of fire slow enough to stay busy and maximize my time there.
Cool thread!!! Thanks for posting.