140gr Berger Elite Hunter issue. Anyone experience this?

I think that might have been a rare occurrence honestly. I would give them another shot and see if it repeats. Mine haven't ruptured the guts before. But have blown the heart and lungs to literal pieces several times.
That is more of what I was expecting. Headed out for the final weekend of my cow hunt. May give it another go. Love how the rifle shoots.
Yes I've seen it with other bullets.

Smaller game, at closer range, high velocity impact.

I can't say how it will work on cow elk, but I suspect it won't pop the gut without hitting gut.
I was truly shocked. There were no lungs to speak of. They had been entirely liquefied. No doubt about the internal shok created by the bullet. Just far more than I think I am looking for. Don't ever want to have that field dressing experience again.
I had the pleasure of helping a buddy field dress a 250lb hog shot with a 300 wby and a 185 Berger. It was as you described. Total soup from stem to stern.
140gr Berger elite hunter out of a 6.5prc. Hunting Cow elk but also had an either sex mule deer tag. Shot a doe at 110 yards. Perfectly through the ribs. Dropped like a stone. When I opened her up the entire internal cavity had been scrambled. Bullet came apart and the concussion combined with bullet fragments tore through the diaphragm. Gut material, plant bits and the like had sucked out the exit hole. I found gut material forced into the meat along the spine. Exit wound was the size of a quarter. Has anyone experienced this? Bullet was right behind the shoulders right through the middle. Scared to use these again if they do anything similar. Appreciate any thoughts. thanks
I don't like this happening either! Total mess to deal with. Gets everywhere when gutting and skinning. Thankfully had water to wash down the carcass very well.
My son used 162 SST in a 280 AI and did the exact same thing on two exact shots placed on whitetail.
Switched to Accubond and had much less mess with cleaner wound channels.
That's the kind of story that makes me wonder, what if I accidentally hit the shoulder on a 240lb buck…..?

I used 153.5gr LRHT in a 6.5 Max last year, it didn't seem quite a wild as you describe.
It'll go right through. Deer, elk, moose shoulders are rather soft, thin and impart no more resistance than some thick cardboard.

If you don't believe us save the next scapula you get, put an inch or two of pork shoulder in front of it and shoot it.
I'd run a heavier Berger from your 6.5PRC. Try the 144 Hybrid or even the 153.5 that @Phil Rizzo suggested. I use the144 in my 65PRC with great results. A little heavier with a thicker jacket. The Hybrid is also very easy to load for and should require minimal fine tuning from your current load. Berger bullets really shine at farther distances IMO.
I have killed Deer with 168 Bergers from a 3oo WSM with no issues but not the same with coyotes. But I shot a doe at 368 yards with factory Winchester 150 grain silver tips, the hit was on the very back edge of the shoulder, it never entered the body cavity but killed, her she went 60 yards. There was tissue damage from her jawbone to her hind quarter, a real mess. But I have shot other deer with that same box of bullets and had no issue. So I would give the Bergers another try.
Just 2 weeks ago shot doe antelope top of front shoulder 28 Nosler 195 Berger at 120 yards. Found pieces of bullet back by tenderloin when removing them. Have 2 different bull elk hit in front shoulder dead center and bullets never made chest cavity. Shoot them in ribs and down they go.
Could also be the fact that the Hybrid Target has a slightly thicker jacket than the hunters.
And the fact the tip isn't opened as much. @lancetkenyon turned me on to a little trick, and after speaking with him, I open the tips on them very minimally, then adjust the BC down .002-.003. After doing that the tips are still not open as much as a EH or the VLD. They are deadly and have great penetration.

If the OP wants to use Bergers in at 100 yards then a heavier bullet is the way to go IMO and also use the Hybrids or the 156 EH. He will gain performance in all aspects also as I would see it.
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