Mountain Lion Hunting Ban in Colorado


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
Some of you may be aware of the mountain lion hunting ban going before public vote in Colorado? I really don't think the public is aware of the dire consequences to wildlife in Colorado if this passes! There have been a few TV adds in favor and against this controversial subject recently. If you live in the Denver area, here is your chance to attend a rally and tailgate party apposing this measure. Hopefully the local news channels catch wind of this rally and there is good attendance. Every hunter in Colorado should educate their friends and family about the negative impacts this may have on wildlife and wildlife management in Colorado.

No on 127 Rally.jpg

When I read "ban", "hunting", and "Colorado" I knew it would be out of Denver.

I have that side of the state.
Protect purrrrty cats at all costs... as long as it's NIMBY :rolleyes:

Same kind of people who think bobcats are endangered in Texas, and that it's fine for Aurora to be expanding into Eastern Kansas despite having no water.
Please read the following article about California wild sheep and mountain lions. Colorado will likely face the same scenario if this passes! You may want to pass this article along to those that are undecided whether to vote yes or no!

Below are the last couple paragraphs in this article and reflect exactly what is going on right now in Colorado!

"With this policy, California has in effect permitted an animal-rights agenda to override science-based conservation, which focuses on the health of populations and ecosystems, not the fate of individuals.

The lives of a small number of mountain lions are being saved at the cost of many Sierra bighorn, favoring an animal with wide distribution and a large population over one that—at least so far—has barely escaped extinction."