An Arrest Made in the Cody Deer Killings

My buddy lives in the Cody Suburbs and one morning he found a wounded buck in his hedgerow. A few hours later a hunter shows up and asks if he can finish off the buck and remove it from his front yard. Another arrow finishes the job and leaves with the buck.
My buddy lives in the Cody Suburbs and one morning he found a wounded buck in his hedgerow. A few hours later a hunter shows up and asks if he can finish off the buck and remove it from his front yard. Another arrow finishes the job and leaves with the buck.
At least this person took the deer and it wasn't just left there, unlike the person in the article.
I've had deer hit with a arrow travel quite a ways before expiration if it wasn't a double lung or heart shot.
Good. Who did he think he was Robin Hood? He looks to be privileged and suffer from mental problems. You know how they treat the yt kids when they do things like this
This is a well known pre-frontal Cortex human development issue. Who among us wasn't a teen going through this difficult stage? I'm an Eagle Scout and I still did schtuff that is too embarrassing to confess!

What is amazing is how this spongy blob hardens up and starts working! My poor departed parents would be flabbergasted to see how their spawn actually turned out! Clearly, the trick is to make it successfully through to the 'hardening up" stage. Lots don't make it that far.

As Donald Rumsfeld so well said – "one of the hardest things to learn is knowing how much you don't know."
I would think a loss of hunting license for life, for starters, but that won't likely wont be much of a deterrent.
A few months in the county lockup would be appropriate, too.
Maybe a one way ticket back to Michigan after it's all done?
NO, NO, NO. We don't want him back here as we already are over populated with minority vermin. Feed him to the wolves and grizzlies!