Brass selection

I prefer Lapua, ADG, Alpha, and Peterson brass. I probably use ADG more than any and it's always great. I know the primer pocket is double stamped and the case head seems a little harder than others. Lapua is probably the gold standard on brass, but I don't think ADG is far behind.

For my .338 improved I went with Lapua brass. Seemed wrong to not use Lapua brass on a Lapua cartridge.

I have only used Starline for handguns and ARs
of your choices go with Lapua. ADG brass runs are so far apart usually a year or more that if you only buy small amounts at a time because of finances chances are there won't be any in stock anywhere when you need it. the other option is to spend $6-$700 on brass upfront to make sure you have enough to last the life of the barrel.
This observation is well worth repeating.
For the choices it's Lapua. ADG is fantastic brass but it's on a lower tier from lapua.
The Best brass is in my opinion ALPHA Brass. That's all by itself #1 then there is Lapua at 2.
If I can buy Alpha brass for a cartridge I will end of discussion. If not available it's Lapua. Just like my 30-06 AI I couldn't believe Alpha doesn't make 06 brass. Unfreakingbelieveable but they don't. So I had to settle for Lapua and it's very good brass.
Always buy the best brass you can from the get go and to me its ALWAYS ALPHA BRASS
I agree with your statement. If I can get alpha in whatever I'm loading for its #1, Lapua #2, Adg #3, Peterson #4. In the case of a 338 lapua I would start with Lapua brass then go down the list and find what was available.
My vote is Lapua, hands down. ADG & Petersen are also terrific, but since I shot my 338 Lapu mostly, it get fed a steady stream of Lapua brass. I take care of the brass and aneal after every firing. Seem to help with longevity. I did have extremely good "lick" with some Lake City 30-06 brass that I formed into 25-2-06—finally retired them after more than a dozen firings. That rifle didn't care for hot loads; best accuracy was mid-range in speed, but if I did my part, it would pit five under a dime at 100 yards.


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I prefer Lapua when available. Winchester if Lapua doesn't offer the caliber. Never mix brands unless water volume is equivalent. I found Remington was much thicker and more brittle, although that was before I annealed after every firing. Using Starline, Peterson, Norma, and Hornady now because of availability. Don't have enough firings to comment. Some suggestions: Full length resize all new brass before use. For competition and long range, don't mix brands and manage neck tension; ideally, confirm equivalent volume with water test. Anneal after every firing. Trim to remain within spec.
There's probably enough votes here to confirm, buuut...

1st choice will be Lapua if it's available.
Close tie for 1st, might be Alpha in small cartridge cases (if they make brass for the cartridge that is). 2nd choice ADG. 3rd Peterson.

Have had great luck with all the major brands and would use any of them with confidence. However, with so many great components options out there I'll pick a cartridge & a build project based off of starting with Lapua now. It really is that great!!

Good luck 🤘🏼