When do you start your calling season?

right about now, you will find that right now most pups are now mature enough to hunt solo and they're are on they own, not yet highly educated and very eggar to respond to respond to a call, years ago the 90's I drew a out of state antelope tag, he was a resident, each year we would spend a few days in September to fish the green river below flaming gorge, I drew a a late august early September tag, found the coyotes to respond we spent the next ten or so years fishing and hunting coyotes there each fall, he moved to Idaho so we've yet to return, we were never disappointed with the turnout.
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Jan 1. Ending on Dec 31.
In otherwords, I hunt coyotes year round. But, I SPECIFICALLY call when temps are below 90°. Which for AZ can be anywhere from Oct to April. And sometimes Nov to March depending on WHERE in AZ.

Kill them whenever you can find them. They are hell on game species.
It depends on what you intend to do. I you intend to do control work it's 12 months a year. Depending on your states regulations, if you think you want to sell them for fur it's the end of October till around the first of January. Depending on the type of winter you are having, if they are setting on snow and ice, they will start breaking the fur on their hips where it freezes to the snow or ice and when the stand up it breaks off. If they are running on snowy ground, they might get what is called singe on their bellies and sides. Both of these conditions bring the price of the pelt down and bring the closure of fur season earlier. The sounds you use change with the seasons and what you intend to do is the determining factor as to when your hunting of the predator's season starts if they aren't regulated by state game laws.
I typically carry a hand call at all times, just in case I'm not seeing much during a hunt I'll set-up and call a stand. Just this week I bought a electronic call and thought I would give it a chance.

My first stand using this call and 20 minutes later I called in this little female. AZGF said she was 3 1/2 to 4 years. Two tracker callers and an ear tag!

Ya just never know what you're going to call in!


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September they're just too stupid for me to shoot them, October and November I'm in serious hunt mode. Dec 1st is generally my start of yote calling time.

I still love to call them I still love to see them but in all honesty I just don't have much against them anymore so I'm not the killer of yotes that I once upon a time was........that'll make sense to some, and it won't to a lot of others. We're all in different stages of our hunt lifes I guess
We liked to start calling around the first week in August when the pups had been kicked out of the den as they are dumb as dirt. By October, they have really "wised up".

I look at coyote pups as the ultimate predators as they decimate deer, antelope, goat, and elk not to mention rabbits and foxes also.

Studies have shown that coyote populations have to be reduced by 60 %+ per year to keep population level on coyotes.
September they're just too stupid for me to shoot them, October and November I'm in serious hunt mode. Dec 1st is generally my start of yote calling time.

I still love to call them I still love to see them but in all honesty I just don't have much against them anymore so I'm not the killer of yotes that I once upon a time was........that'll make sense to some, and it won't to a lot of others. We're all in different stages of our hunt lifes I guess
That's exactly how I feel.
Vincemule; are there other things playing into the lower herd numbers as well like CWD, hemorrhagic disease or other diseases?
No. Coyotes, cars, and hunters are reducing the deer herds. Fish and Game are extremely concerned about the decrease in population. Due to politics, they can not offer a bounty or start hiring county trappers.

It would only require a small amount added to each hunting license to fund a $50 bounty on coyotes which would also be in competition to the houndsmen that are paying trappers $75 each for live coyotes. Selling live coyotes to a houndsmen is legal with proper paperwork from the Fish and Game. What a freeking mess.

Some deer clubs here have not seen a fawn in years.