7mm PRC

7PRC is to the 7RemMag as the 6.5CM is to the 260Rem or the 6CM is to the 243Win. There is no magic there. It's marketing to sell more ammo and more rifles because so many like the idea of taking advantage of the higher BC bullets for better down range performance. For many that think they need that AND are NOT reloaders, their option is to buy the new rifle and new round.

Never heard this before but I think this is spot on.
Does anyone have real world info and not hype unless Im missing something I cant see this cartridge doing more than 7mm rem ,7mm wsm,7mm stw and so on using 175 gr nosler partition just curious
Ok. Here is real world data. Not for your nosler partition but for 175 ELDx and 180 ELD match. I bought a ruger American go wild off the shelf and put a few boxes of ammo through it. The 175 ELD x in the precision hunter was shooting 2825 fps and the 180 ELD match was shooting 2775 fps. I am expecting about 100 fps jump in velocity after about 100 rounds or so but that puts those bullets far shy of advertised velocities and right around what I get from my 7 Remington mag. I plan to shoot 195 bergers or something similarly heavy and long. I am not expecting too much additional performance over the 7 Remington mag but I will be able to load long to the lands and still fit my bullets in the magazine and won't be taking up a bunch of powder space.

If you are shooting the 175 partition that means you aren't trying to shoot 600 yards. I wouldn't replace a 7 Remington mag with a 7 PRC if your goal is to shoot the partition. No need and no benefit.

Now if I didn't own a 7mm gun or if I wanted to have one of everything then yes I would buy one.

Of note, in my gun the factory 7mm PRC hornady 180 match shot very well. 2.3" three shot group at 600 yards. The 175 ELD x precision hunter were about 7" three shot group at 600 yards.

I expect with barrel break in and hand loads that will improve. And hopefully I get that velocity bump because 2775 is about disappointing.
My hang up on this is people have been using their 7 rem mag with 180 class for some time now and when that 180 class come out the same velocity as the PRC can do there really is no difference. Throats can be tweaked and new barrels with appropriate twist thrown on and you're in it for the cost of a new rifle chambered in the newest latest and greatest wonder round.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but as a person interested in a new LONG RANGE TARGET RIFLE , I can see the improvements the 7 PRC has over the 7 mm Rem Mag. When you consider what a really great platform Hornady had to start out with, with the 7 Rem Mag , the improvements seem completely sensible and easy to understand. The 7 Rem Mag was , and still is, a superb LR Hunting Round. One rifle in one caliber for Western Antelope , Mule Deer and Elk. What's not to love!! The new cartridge seems well thought out. Hype notwithstanding . I understand that some shooting schools have ranges that extend beyond 1000, even out to 1400 yards. I think this 7PRC is one caliber worth studying for that LR target application.
My hang up on this is people have been using their 7 rem mag with 180 class for some time now and when that 180 class come out the same velocity as the PRC can do there really is no difference. Throats can be tweaked and new barrels with appropriate twist thrown on and you're in it for the cost of a new rifle chambered in the newest latest and greatest wonder round.
What I like about the 7prc was the ease of developing a load with rl26 and 180 eldms I have a 26 inch carbon 6 that shoots 3020 with 67.6 and a 24 inch McGowen that shoots 2980 with 67 grains 4 shot group at 800. I still shoot a lot of other calibers but I do really like the 7prc


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If the following has been discussed and I didn't see it, I apologize.

COAL is a major difference between the aforementioned 7mm mag cartridges. The 7PRC is optimized to fit high BC bullets in 3.4" actions and mags; previous .284 mags have largely not been and often require modification or concessions to do so.
Yep. He's an extrememely knowledgable sour-puss.
I'm sure this will draw some ire from his fans, but I haven't found Mr Selby to be all too enlightening in maters of the rifle. As stated, you can about bank on him derriding anything new, and even if he acknowledges a good design, he'll generally follow it up with a diatribe about how the improvements weren't needed anyhow.

Everytime I watch him, I can't help feeling that these pesky videos are just keeping him from his real job of yelling at those **** kids on his front lawn.
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Honestly I think the only real world info that is most relevant is:

7mm rem is the most available and affordable than all 7mags.

7mm wsm and 7mm stw - components and ammo are expensive and difficult to find both offer apples and oranges on performance but can you get it seems to be real life stuff.

7mmprc based on hornadys creations of 6.5 and 300 and being an ammo manufacturer you would expect pricing and availability to be over the course of things "reasonable". Yes 6.5prc had a moment, but so did everything and that leveled out fast and people who spent 150 a box were really upset! LOL

Reloaded all with proper twist can handle 175's - just depends on your desires there's no right or wrong I do find humor in the debates. All are proven calibers and so are many others in the 7mm world, if it blows your skirt up get it, if you load you have way more options, if you don't find the best factory ammo options and select a rifle? I over simplify stuff, we start a discussion that is going to go sideways and shocked when it does.

I have eight 7mm mags from rem, wsm, wby and stw. Mainly because i'm looking to pass stuff off to my 6 kids but i have several that I hunt with. I have a 7mm STW that was rebarreled from a LH 300 wby accumark with an 8 twist so that it would shoot 195 grain bergers to which it does very well at little over 2850FPS. That particular gun shoots about .25" group at 100 yards, so i had my son load up couple hundred rounds for me and I'll probably have them all shot up by the time it's going to be passed down to him! LOL

The point is to each is own, sometimes we mind game this way to much
Why wouldn't the stw be a solid comparison the claim on prc is having velocities in 3000 to 3200 fps range which is why I asked the question as to real world info or testing
I'm loading 175 Berger's in a 20" Bartlein and I have them load to the max load and getting only 2821 FPS out of it with a 24" benchmark barrel I'm getting 2965FPS loaded to max VV N560 powder