Neighbor a mile up the road,elderly very wealthy has 200 acres ,she raises laying chickens organically,early June she began losing a chicken a day,free range.She asks what can she do i said let me set a trail cam up and monitor when this happens i can sit in your bank barn overlooking a pasture and woodline.She says can you live trap whatever it is,i said no it's a coyote for sure with a den of pups.She then calls an animal control company(JOKE) and they set up for a week huge box traps with cat food as bait,LOL,chicken carnage continues,lots of skunks,coon and opossums caught.At the point when she's now lost half her flock she asks for my help. i told her get rid of the animal control company first,they took her for hundreds with the killing continuing.Anyway trail cam set up ,in three days i had a pattern ,daybreak till 9:am coyote comes in grabs a chicken and leaves. On the fourth day i'm in the barn loft overlooking the pasture and wood line,8:am coyote appears out of wood and stands there,i'm on her with the crosshairs on her neck,35 grain Hornady v'max ,i fire and she disappears from sight ,152 yards lasered *** did I miss? went to woodline and no coyote ,however i started picking up sign that she was hit,and hard.Followe blood trail found this fat as hell female 75 feet in thick cover,no more chicken killing as two burrows now protect the chickens.Third picture is where she laid down and disturbed the ground clutter.