Summer Coyotes?

We noticed in the area we hunt elk the low number of deer and fawns we seen so we have been trying to thin them out a bit in just one area, this is the first summer I have hunted coyotes.
In Tennessee the fur never gets prime so we shoot them year round. The pups are out of the den running with the adults eating fawns so we hit them hard this time of year. The pups are easy and plentiful. The coyote pup and ki-yi is especially effective.

And no, you can't hurt the population, especially here in the east. The more you kill, the more pups they have.
Got out last month here in Idaho and did a little calling early morning. Lots of dogs out howling, called in a pair and got one using a pup howl. I have been seeing a ton of em out real late at night. Any tips on summer calling?


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pup in distress and fawn in distress have been working well out of the foxpro at first and last light. i will usually do a challenge howl with a short pause followed by a pup in distress that seems to work pretty well. i will usually only do this once per calling site.
For some strange reason I've never been enthused about summer yote hunting. Simply habit, I guess. Until two days ago!

Was strolling through the river bottom getting some training time on a couple beginning pack goats.

About 0745 saw a doe streaking through tall grass followed by what I thought was 4 more deer with another bringing up the rear. These folks were flat out haulin' butt. Couldn't figure why that would be going on! These guys were about 300 yds away.

The goats and I started a bit of a stalk to check things out. Made about 100 yds and here they come the other way! Again as flat out as a deer can go. It was an eye opener.

Doe, fawn, fawn, and a yote that was between the doe and fawn in size. Then another yote. A second doe wasn't in the chase but was bouncing along as part of the activity. A second yote was bringing up the rear.

Everything was happening so fast I really can't recall details. The second yote spied me and stopped to take a look. It was hidden a bit. When I moved to get a better look through the binos it headed back the way it came, then stopped for another look. Through the binos what I saw confused me a bit. All I can say it appeared a bit larger and of a different color combination that the usual yotes around here.

All I could do was pop off a couple of shots w/the XD9 and hope to break up the chase.

We'll get serious around here on reducing the yote population and getting a close up look at these guys.
Same here. A land owner about 3 miles from me has been trying to raise Quails, with no luck because of the coyotes. Two years ago i boght 40 mature Hungarian Partridge at 8.00 per bird. Last fall i figured there were about 25 left. This spring zero. I've got a factory refurbised Fox Pro coming. Time to get at it.
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