Reloading stuck case


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
Trying to run a 30-06 case up into a redding full length resizing die and I can't seem to get the case in far enough to get proper sizing. The bolt is stiff closing. There a small amount of gap between the shell holder and the bottom of the die. I've checked and made sure the decapping rod wasn't screwed in to far. Ive tried cleaning the die, using more lube and less lube with no success. Tried more force and now have a stuck case. Any ideas of why I can't seem to get the case all the way up and of how to get this stuck case out?! I've also noticed my 6.5 creedmoor does the same and has a gap between the shell holder and the bottom of the die with hornady dies but the bolt is smooth. I do load for .300 win mag and rcbs dies and it works properly. The press is a Lee
First take the decapping rod out of the die. If the die screws into the press, screw the die in from the bottom, so the stuck case is pointed up. Then use a tap that is just the right size to thread the whole primer pocket. After you get the primer pocket threaded, make sure the stuck case is below the top of the press, maybe 1/2 inch. Then thread a bolt and washer into the stuck case and use a socket to remove it. Make sure the washer is bigger than the opening you thread the die into, as you tighten the bolt into the threaded case, the washer will come tight on the top of the press and pull the case out.

Imperial die wax works the best for me.
Well I figured out how to get it out thanks guys. Now why can't I get my case all the way into the die to full length size it. I screw the die into the ram till touching and then an additional 1/4 turn
Is the die new to you?

Have you checked the caliber stamped on the die?

I had a Lee 300wsm die that had an issue of other sizing the brass properly. Made the bolt hard to close...never had a case get stuck...I sent it back...they gave me 50% store credit because I bought a different brand die set to see if it was really a die issue.
It's new to me but it is the correct die. I also have this issue with a 6.5 with hornady dies. I can get it to work on both but you can feel it in the bolt as you lock it. I know I should be able to get the shell holder to touch the ram but can't
Had this happen with a 7mm STW case I was pushing the shoulder back on, to see if I could push them back far enough to make some .300WM brass (at the time .300WM brass was impossible to find). Being that I have some wildcatting and brass-forming experience, had tons of extra STW brass laying around, and a brand new 5R Milspec .300WM sitting in the safe begging to be taken to the range...I proceeded.

Everything was going just fine, then all of a sudden as soon as I hit top, it created some suction and it was STUCK! I had already had the decapping rod out of the die while I was forming, so that was one less step to do. If you left your's in, you will need to remove it before proceeding.

So, first I started to drill it out...Then I stopped, realizing I didn't have a tap set at the house. So I took it to work the next day and before break time, I came up with another great idea. I opened the vise jaws just wide enough for the die to fit between it without contact with the die body threads. Then I stacked 3 really large and thick stainless flat washers (that the die body fit into) and sat them on top of the jaws of the vise, then I found a piece of steel rod that fit inside the die and case mouth, and then knocked the brass case back out the bottom with a hammer. A couple whacks and it popped right out with no damage to anything (except the already ruined piece of brass).


As you can see below, if the 7mmSTW case rim hadn't been destroyed, and I trimmed the neck to specs, that piece of brass would have only needed a simple fire-forming and it would have been a useable piece of .300WM brass.

Well I figured out how to get it out thanks guys. Now why can't I get my case all the way into the die to full length size it. I screw the die into the ram till touching and then an additional 1/4 turn
Glad you got it out.

Make sure you're properly lubing the brass.

Instead of forcing it with one long stroke feed it up till you get significant resistance, lower it a bit, maybe even rotate it a quarter turn and repeat until it goes all the way.
the guys told you a few different ways to remove a stuck case . I have a RCBS stuck case remover , that I use .

like WildRose said above work the case up and bring it back down a little when it gets tight . you will be able to work it completely in , without putting all the muscle to it . if the brass is still tight when you chamber it , and the shellholder was gaped away from the die at the top of the stroke , all you can do is turn the die down a little more . what is happening is you are springing the press . turn the die down a little more at a time until you get the shellholder to touch the die at the top of the stroke , or you get the brass properly sized .
If you don't have a bump gauge, you are running blind.
If the cases are hard to chamber after sizing, then you are stretching the case with a partial full length size method.
First reoading set was Lee. I was resizing 220 swift which i have found to be a fairly stiff case to resize. I was at my neighbor's house using his die that he had used forever.

I could physically see the press flexing, then a case got stuck... the shellholder pulled through the head like in the pic above.

I have since went to an rcbs rockchucker with rcbs shellholders and have never had a problem since. I believe the lee shellholders have too much gap in them making it easier to pull through the case head.
Imperial wax is a pain in the butt. I like it for neck turning when It only needs to be in the neck but I think it is difficult to apply and takes some work to remove.

95% Isopropyl alcohol and lanolin. I think it's 1:7 lanolin to alcohol. Put it in a spray bottle, lay cases on a towel and give a good squirt. It is quick, cheap and cleans up real easy.
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