Berger 180 & Hornady ELD X 175 7mag Bearing surface?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2012
Does anyone know the difference in bearing surface on these two bullets or have the info?
Does anyone know the difference in bearing surface on these two bullets or have the info?

These are the specs I've found. Not sure how they were derived or if there is a difference in standard for measuring bearing surface between the manufacturers.

Berger 180 VLD is .491"
Berger 180 Hybrid is .430"
Hornady 175 ELD X is .570"
Yes I am curious how the 175 eldx will perform . I have an excellent berger 180 load hoping its close to the same for the 175.
The Berger bullet spec sheet shows .491" for the bearing surface length.

In Berger manual they have 7mm 175gr bullet and bearing surface is .495" on page 241.

The 7mm 180gr VLD hunting bullet is 1.525" long and base to ogive is .761" and BT length is .220",nose length is .764",part # 28502 and that is on page 242 in Berger manual. That is same bullet I'm shooting.

EDD, I don't know what spec sheet

Well I pulled up spec sheet on Berger site and you are right that they show .491 but that's not the bullet they have in there manual or the one I'm shooting
In Berger manual they have 7mm 175gr bullet and bearing surface is .495" on page 241

Berger makes a 7mm 175? I thought they just had the 140/168/180 in the 7mm?
In Berger manual they have 7mm 175gr bullet and bearing surface is .495" on page 241

Berger makes a 7mm 175? I thought they just had the 140/168/180 in the 7mm?

They used to make a 175gr XLD, not sure when they discontinued it though. I remember seeing it in the Applied Ballistics For Long Range Shooting 2nd Edition bullet index.gun)


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