The dumbest thing you have ever heard

Pretty well anything shooting or hunting related that comes out of my bosses mouth. Just last week he was going on how he has shot out to a mile and it's easy . He's done this once , he also swears that any one can shoot 1000 yards and hit the target every time .
I guess that depends on how big the target is though.
Pretty well anything shooting or hunting related that comes out of my bosses mouth. Just last week he was going on how he has shot out to a mile and it's easy . He's done this once , he also swears that any one can shoot 1000 yards and hit the target every time .
I guess that depends on how big the target is though.
The ground is the easiest target
The night before Muzzleloader Opener several years ago, stopped into the LGS right before closing time for something last minute.
There was a guy in there buying a gun for hunting the next morning. The clerk was trying to get him set up, telling him what he'll need.
When he mentioned needing primers, the fella responds "What's a primer?"
I was in a LGS to pick up a transfer while a customer was contemplating purchasing his first 6.5 Claymore! Said he always wanted a Claymore. Asked me if I had one. I said no, I hear the paperwork is a hassle.
Back in my military days a few pounds of C-4 followed me home. It came in handy for blasting stumps and things like that, but a claymore? Our local gun shop is holding out. Is a 6.5 claymore similar to a M18A1? šŸ˜†šŸ˜†
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Once I had an old local rancher, that's been known to be pretty windy, tell me that he and his son shot so many wild hogs one night that their rifle barrels got so hot that they melted and sagged down toward the muzzleā€¦both rifles!

When I told him that I'd love to take a look at those rifles, he replied that it ****ed him off so bad that he threw them in the river!!!
Once I had an old local rancher, that's been known to be pretty windy, tell me that he and his son shot so many wild hogs one night that their rifle barrels got so hot that they melted and sagged down toward the muzzleā€¦both rifles!

When I told him that I'd love to take a look at those rifles, he replied that it ****ed him off so bad that he threw them in the river!!!
Did they grab an alligator and fire another round? You have to be old to know this. ;)