SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Maccain has my vote and I can only pray that the rest of America will wake up and do the right thing!!I have talked with many and when you start talking about the tax part they are like thats not how I understand what Obama says you got to give him one thing he is a good talker the bad part hes talking and companies are a moving not good
I guess we can only hope people realize the old adage "Talk is cheap!" and understand that we need action. Tradition dictates that Republicans have always been an action party.
Re: SARAH PALIN - John's loser running mate losing it for him

Grab your tissues or hanky, read it and weep. I don't need to say I told you so if you read my prior posts...

NYT: Poll shows Palin hurting McCain - The New York Times


updated 30 minutes ago on 10/30/08
SHIPPENSBURG, Pa. - A growing number of voters have concluded that Senator John McCain's running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, is not qualified to be vice president, weighing down the Republican ticket in the last days of the campaign, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

All told, 59 percent of voters surveyed said that Ms. Palin was not prepared for the job, up 9 percentage points since the beginning of the month. Nearly a third of voters polled said that the vice-presidential selection would be a major factor influencing their vote for president, and those voters broadly favored Senator Barack Obama.

In a possible indication that the choice of Ms. Palin has hurt Mr. McCain's image, voters said that they had much more confidence in Mr. Obama to pick qualified people to serve in his administration than they did in Mr. McCain."

"While a majority viewed Ms. Palin as unqualified for the vice presidency, about three quarters of voters saw Mr. Obama's running mate, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, as qualified for the job. The increase in the number of voters who said that Ms. Palin was not prepared was driven almost entirely by Republicans and independents."

Sarah's such a success this time around... maybe the Republican Party will nominate her as their Presidential candidate in 4 years. That will surely give the Democrats another 4 years in office. And Saturday Night Live will make such a bundle off of Sarah, maybe she'll help pull our economy out of the recession Bush will hand off to Obama.
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I don't think there's much doubt that if/when McCain loses this election much of the blame will be pointed at his selection of a running mate.
Re: SARAH PALIN - The incorrrect Choice!

And correctly so. You pick a loser and what's that say about a person's judgement. He deserves to lose.
I don't, nor my kids deserve to lose liberty because some pencil necked Libs will sell their birthright over a monthly check or presumed health care, I have done what I can to talk to people. I think we all may get bloody on this one.
Propaganda machines are powerful. You can't believe everything you read about polls. Polls are like any newspaper stories which must be scrutinized. First you have to ask questions. Who is conducting the poll: the liberal media, the right wing media or an unbiased (nonexistent) media? How was the question posed to the pollee: in other words does the answer match the reported result (sometimes not)? What was the population polled: was it a liberal population, a conservative population or a mixture where equal numbers were questioned (also nonexistent). What were the demographics of the population: indigent, poor, middle class, upper class or a mixture proportional to the actual population in the voting district (also nonexistent)? What was the race polled: black, white, Asian, mixed race? What are the education and reasoning abilities of the pollee? You can see how polls can be easily swayed to the liking of the political group controlling or taking the poll. I agree that it is almost impossible to take an absolutely fair and perfect poll. From what has transpired recently the polls and media coverage of Governor Sarah Palin has been extremely biased against her. The turn outs to her rallies and the negative polling do not match. Although, there is probably some truth to her decline in popularity. I believe this is a product of very effective negative media coverage. Compared to Obama and Biden, McCain and Palin have been denigrated by the left wing media in a way that is unprecedented in US politics. When I compare Palin and Obama on executive experience, political history, social history (comrades, haters of America, felons, cocaine use, terrorists) and philosophical believes, Governor Sarah Palin is far more qualified to be president of the United States than Senator Obama.
Re: SARAH PALIN - All style - no substance

When Sarah and John lose next Tuesday, will it be because the polls were wrong, or because the votes were counted incorrectly? Will it be because General Colin Powell is no longer credible now that he's spoken in support for Obama? I agree polls aren't perfect. But shy of holding a pre-election election across the country, they're as good as it gets... closer to getting it correct than the "Sarah for V.P." chant is.
Its so sad that I gave almost 25 years of service to this country until I took one in Iraq! This guy is going to screw us vets and active duty men and women we have keep america safe and the fight over there,I do see the day comming that the fighting will be here on our soil.
elkguys, thank you for your service :)

This last year in politics has been unusually ugly, especially the elected officials that seem to be rooting for the surge to fail and the economy to go south!

Unfortunately, they will be rewarded with another 2 or 6 years in Congress :(


PS guys like Murtha calling his constituents racists, and Marines murderers...and the voters in PA probably won't punish the skunk!
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Phorwath---please explain what makes you so giddy about Obama winning this election. I have been reading your posts and just cannot understand why anyone who is on this forum can hold such a strong opinion of Obama. Is this just about being "right" in your predictions?:confused:
Its so sad that I gave almost 25 years of service to this country until I took one in Iraq! This guy is going to screw us vets and active duty men and women we have keep america safe and the fight over there,I do see the day comming that the fighting will be here on our soil.

Elkguys I am with edge and many others who thank you for taking one for all of us. I have pondered the possibility of future conflict in our country if it were to go so far left that our nation will become so divided ideologically that living within each others realm (potential future communism and capitalism) will be intolerable. This hypothesis is not beyond realism as history is full of examples of civil war. We already had one civil war. Right now this is simply an idea that is part of the differential for our future and nothing more. However, the possibility is still ever present and we have to beware communism does not creep up on us (regardless of who wins) because large numbers of Americans do feel comfortable with wealth redistribution. I don't believe they really understand the implications of such policies but it appears to be a trendy sentiment against capitalism. Also I have heard and read, for example, the degree to which many gun owners have expressed protection of their firearms, even to the death. I wonder how many civilizations would have survived their demise had they resisted disarmament? I am positive, though, the defense of The Constitution along with its capitalist ideology is paramount to the survival of the United States our Founding Fathers created. I hope we never see such a conflict but it does not hurt to be vigilant.
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