They shot him in the *** to "break him down"


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
Yakima, Washington
I had the great pleasure of moving all of the living room furniture around today and this meant the cable/tv etc. lost power and was moved. After getting everything where "momma" wanted it, I powered it up and just happened to click through a few channels to make sure all was o.k.

I happened to see a polar bear on one channel so I paused and watched it. The bear was walking away from the camera man and hunter and the audio comment was that "he broke him down". Actually what he did was to shoot the walking polar bear in the *** end while he was walking away from them.

Then, these super hunters/shots finally took another shot at the bear that had been rolling around pawing and trying to get at whatever hit him in the *** end. The audio comment was, if I remember correctly, "he put one right in the boiler room". The normal speed shot looked funny so I reversed it and watched it a couple of times in slower motion. The bear turned and was quartering towards them and the shot appeared to hit at the back of the rib cage because you could see the fur move around at the hit. This meant that due to the angle of the shot that he was gut shot.

Then they were all smiles and congratulating each other.

Kinda made me sick to see someone do this in a format that allows millions of people across the country see what these "hunters" were doing, and being proud of it.:mad::mad:

I'm not posting this to start a big stink or to draw attention to our sport. I'd hope that after reading this that you would look closely at what you watch and if you see something similar I'd ask that you try and contact the program and tell them what you think. Contact the cable or tv channel and also let them know what you think.
The so called "Texas Heart Shot" most disgusting thing I had ever heard of. Probably makes folks in Texas even more angry. That is pure disgusting. But then, I didn't get to go hunting with my "coworkers" because they liked to "enhance" their hunting with amphetamines. All sorts of sick folk out there. Amazed as well that they filmed it.
As a Native Born and Raised Texan, I do take offense to the term "Texas Heart Shot" when implied as a anal aiming point. I have hunted for over thirty years and know of no one from Texas that has intentionally taken this shot. To imply that this is what we as Texans do, inadvertently or intentionally, gets my dander up.

Sorry for such strong language. LOL
Not wanting to be the devil's advocate here nor do I agree with this method I have heard some guids that shoot bears and other deadly game that they will shoot the animal in the hips to break them and imobilize the animal to reduce/eliminate a chance of a charge.

Not saying that this was the case here , just that i have heard of this process.

I personaly have never seen a TV hunting show where the hunters could shoot worth a **** and despite seeing where the bullets hit and knowing the angle it always proclaimed as a perfect shot.
I think I watched the same show and it looked to me like they shot him in the leg to slow him down then shot him in the boiler room.
The so called "Texas Heart Shot" most disgusting thing I had ever heard of. Probably makes folks in Texas even more angry. That is pure disgusting. But then, I didn't get to go hunting with my "coworkers" because they liked to "enhance" their hunting with amphetamines. All sorts of sick folk out there. Amazed as well that they filmed it.
As a Native Born and Raised Texan, I do take offense to the term "Texas Heart Shot" when implied as a anal aiming point. I have hunted for over thirty years and know of no one from Texas that has intentionally taken this shot. To imply that this is what we as Texans do, inadvertently or intentionally, gets my dander up.

Sorry for such strong language. LOL
There was no mention of a "Texas heart shot" at all in the video. They weren't trying to kill him via a THS, just break him down.
If one doesn't want to hurt the animal then don't shoot it...
That's got to be about the craziest (being very polite here) answer I could imagine when talking about someone deliberately shooting a bear in the ***, while the bear was walking away.

Are you implying that you think it's o.k. to shoot a big game animal anywhere in the body, under any conditions just so you hope you can finally "bag" him and haul him home?

I don't care if the bear/deer/elk/moose etc. was the biggest on its kind on the face of the earth. If it was walking away from me, I would not shoot and take a chance of wounding and not humanely killing and recovering the animal.

I would not shoot and take a chance of wounding and not humanely killing and recovering the animal.

I assume you mean a NON Wounded animal.
I will shoot a wounded animal anywhere, but will try for a humane shot...conditions permitting.

That's got to be about the craziest (being very polite here) answer I could imagine when talking about someone deliberately shooting a bear in the ***, while the bear was walking away.

Are you implying that you think it's o.k. to shoot a big game animal anywhere in the body, under any conditions just so you hope you can finally "bag" him and haul him home?

I don't care if the bear/deer/elk/moose etc. was the biggest on its kind on the face of the earth. If it was walking away from me, I would not shoot and take a chance of wounding and not humanely killing and recovering the animal.

I am implying that a shot into an animal going straight away with a proper bullet capable of enough penetration is a very deadly shot. I have used that shot before and will again and it has dropped every animal in its tracks that I have shot with it. I have shot game with full lenght penetration and exited the chest and I know from experience that it is deadly and not a wounding shot when properly applied.
Are you implying that you think it's o.k. to shoot a big game animal anywhere in the body, under any conditions just so you hope you can finally "bag" him and haul him home?


That's what he is saying…. That's just **** pathetic very sad.
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As a Native Born and Raised Texan, I do take offense to the term "Texas Heart Shot" when implied as a anal aiming point. I have hunted for over thirty years and know of no one from Texas that has intentionally taken this shot. To imply that this is what we as Texans do, inadvertently or intentionally, gets my dander up.

Sorry for such strong language. LOL

Absolutely agree.
I assume you mean a NON Wounded animal.
I will shoot a wounded animal anywhere, but will try for a humane shot...conditions permitting.

Absolutely, I was talking about a non-wounded animal. I fully agree that if an animal is wounded you have the obligation to dispatch him as quickly as possible with addition shots.
I am implying that a shot into an animal going straight away with a proper bullet capable of enough penetration is a very deadly shot. I have used that shot before and will again and it has dropped every animal in its tracks that I have shot with it.
I guess that's what makes this country so great. People are all entitled to their opinions. I just happen to disagree with yours and especially when applied to an animal that is moving and walking away.

To risky for me and I personally wouldn't do it even if he was not moving.
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