You bought ANOTHER gun!!!???


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
Which answer you going with?
If I build it, I don't consider it "new" 😂 and after 42 years my wife has NEVER asked me about guns or anything else. Unless it is obvious like a boat, truck camper etc. though when I mentioned a SXS she only stated don't buy it unless it has heat and A/C. So I did what I was told like any good husband would and CanAm Defender is in pole barn!
I have a recipe for a snack that my cousin made up. "Carne Apache" = "Apache Meat"

You can use meat from any of the rounds. Cut it in to pieces/strips the size of half your little finger, then put them in a bowl and cover them in fresh squeezed lime juice for about 3 hours, turning the meat every half hour or so. (Dont use bottled lime juice, and the lime juice cooks the meat, no heat involved) After the 3 or 4 hours, you drain the lime juice, then cover the meat again with half soy sauce and half worstershire sauce, some ground black pepper, and add some of your favorite hot sauce, mix well and refrigerate for an hour or so.

Eat on top of saltines or tortilla chips, pair it with your favorite beer/wine of course.

I eat a lot of raw deer meat, i cut some up before cooking a dish or grilling it, just as a snack, or sometimes like sashimi. If you haven't tried it? I don't know what you are waiting for
A number of years ago I received a rifle from an outfit in Saskatchewan which also was a Taxidermist Shop. Rifle came through mail wife said it that another gun I said no it was a stuffed snake. She has never asked me since. Been a lot of snakes come into the house over the years. I think the shop did that to stop "Posties" from kicking a firearm around.

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