Yet Another Wyoming Grizzley Attack

I was packing a Ruger Redhawk 44 Mag 7.5 inch with 300 grain Grizzly Cartridge hardcast. I've since bought a Ruger Alaskan in 454 Casul and bought the 360 grain Buffalo Bore rounds for it. It doesn't kick as much as the hype I've read about.
I'll check out the HammerHeads, thanks!
Look 26Reload, I don't where you live and if you have ever seen an actual Grizzly. However you don't tangle with one lightly even if you carry a .375 H&H like I did. I have seen them throwing boulders half the size of a Volkswagen Beatle out of their way as they dig for mountain marmots. You can fit the stories of them soaking up 5 or more vital hits from .338 and .375 Magnum rifles while covering some impressive distances. If those distances happen to be toward you and you were already close they can do some un-godly damage despite being shot to pieces. So if you can avoid a fight where shooting one is already questionable it is far better to learn their behavior about how and when to back away. I don't care if you are caring a .416 Weatherby and you can shoot it as if it were a .22LR there is zero guarantee you will survive an all out death match with a determined Grizzly. As they say "stuff happens" so be careful what you start. A Grizzly can break a Moose's neck with one paw strike so what do you think he can do to you? Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

I have been shot at by better men than you, had various animals try to kill me, and yet as I turn 69 this month if you refuse to listen to advise go your way and find out the HARD WAY. I hope you survive to hunt another day.:)
Why not shoot the charging bear with his elk rifle ??? Do future generations of elk a favor.
And save himself a crippled arm.
Absolutely amazing.
A charging bear at close range. Most hunters don't have the skill set to pull it off.
After the initial shock factor the bear is halfway to ya.
I bet 9 out of ten hunters would be shaking so damned bad that their lil tiny pistol bullet wouldn't come near the bear, let alone give em a recovery shot from a big magnum pistol. Let alone a rifle with a variable power scope, which most on here use.
Better of to trust in the spray.
A grizzly can out run a quarter horse over short distances and while a grizzly can't climb trees like a black bear they can climb trees somewhat like a human can by draping their paws over big limbs and pulling themselves up. They also push over weak trees that you may be in or other trees into the one you are in. You will be amazed what a determined grizzly will do to get at you and they are smart. If you hide under things you will be shocked at their digging ability.

Bear spray actually works better on Grizzlies than it does on black bears although no one has come up with the definitive answer as to why as far as I know. Playing dead seems to work with grizzlies better also. If you try playing dead when a male black bear attacks you then you will not be playing long as records show they mostly intend to eat you. Another reason I say you need to read and learn bear behavior so you know when to fight and when not to. Very few people can hold a handgun still enough while a bear charges you to make an effective kill shot so they are usually taken while the bear is on you.

I personally highly recommend: James Gary Shelton's three books regarding bear attacks and how to survive them as the most comprehensive body of work ever written on this subject.

I know the first thing I would do is pee my pants.:(
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