Wolves gone wild.

I have few posts here but none the less read alot of content and love the information on this site. I have lived in both MT and MN. Currently live in MN but wish i was still in MT:). Anyway, I am of the mind that i wouldnt lose any sleep if the woofies were only left in the zoo's. From reports of hunters here this year it seems as though the 2010 winter and wolf depredation has really depressed the deer and moose numbers. I believe the 2011 harvest will be below expectations and last years harvest numbers. So I believe swamphunter reports may be the exception and not the rule. I know our group which hunts by International Falls didnt even see a deer and we have good habitat. I think it is foolish to say that wolves dont have an impact on game populations. If i read that wolf report on MN correctly it stated MN had about 3000 wolves in 2008. That was 3 years ago. I would like to know how many are here now. I have seen and heard them by my home and i live in central mn so i would suspect they are transitioning to new areas. Are the wolves that we have in MN same or different than that in the western states? They appear to be about the same size. I will say that most hunters here in MN do not share the same feelings twords wolves as swamphunter. I had been in contact with our senator to help with the wolf delisting. I would have never guessed that our senator would have been pro delisting but to my surprise she pushed for the delisting. I think most pro wolf people reside in the cities and subburbs. I think most outdoorsman here would be happy if the wolf was left to the zoo...
Everything Wolf Forum

How many the state can support or endure whatever you want to call it is for your state dept of natural resources to determine. that is what ours will be doing. I am of the opinion that trapping them should be included as well as hunting. I talked to a federal trapper a few years ago that was trapping problem wolves and he says they are not that hard to trap.
I think you should all check out this link, now THAT is the enemy. And there are more out there like them. They are keeping track of the hunt numbers too lol.

Incidentally you all gang up on me just because I don't think ALL wolves should be wiped out. have received PMs that say they agree with me but don't want to get involved. Can't say as I blame them.
Well Swamprat you continue to disappoint me, now you're claiming victim status, your momma's therapist teach you that? It's good mental judo if you're dealing with the weak of mind, but lets circle back, you came in claiming the residents of western states are barbarians because they want 0 wolves in their states. Now you turf the question how many we should have back to the states involved, and complain that name calling is out of line.The states involved have all passed resolutions of varying kinds that they do not wish this invasive creature in their midst. You've been invited to see and hear the problem first hand, and now a whimper and secret friends that only talk to you is all you got? . If you want a number 75-100 was the goal when this debacle started. Consider there were already 75-100 of the the timber wolf here with numbers growing at that time. The states have figured out as you say what it will take to control wolf numbers. It takes aerial gunning, it takes traps, it takes poison, it takes shoot on sight year round seasons. Yes they are hard to control and their reproductive potential is high. Take one of the invitations to come see for yourself-ok skip Roy's although I suspect a stern fatherly type get together has been missing at your house, and may be the best medicine for what ails you. Go soon, a friend that's been wolf hunting came in reported seeing his first calf elk this year after counting 140+ elk he saw a calf. Consider 25 years ago when we spring bear hunted that unit entire hillsides got up and moved with cows calves and bulls. Now a total of 140 elk over multiple weekends with one calf. Do the math Swamprat How long before there are no elk. If you want to see one it ain't getting better.
You guys want effective and cheap wolf management? All you have to do is catch a few unharmed and infect them with mange mites. Wolves run in packs like coyotes and this interaction will infect the whole pack. We used to have a coyote problem here so bad the state would shoot 400 a day with a helicoper just in our county. Then you started seeing them with mange and within three years it was a rare site to see one a month. Seems when mother nature runs wild she has her own way of bringing things back to acceptable levels.

It will work on wolves!

Biological pest control at its finest!
You guys want effective and cheap wolf management? All you have to do is catch a few unharmed and infect them with mange mites. Wolves run in packs like coyotes and this interaction will infect the whole pack. We used to have a coyote problem here so bad the state would shoot 400 a day with a helicoper just in our county. Then you started seeing them with mange and within three years it was a rare site to see one a month. Seems when mother nature runs wild she has her own way of bringing things back to acceptable levels.

It will work on wolves!

Biological pest control at its finest!

PIXIE DUST, I like it.
during dening season just drop off a few domestic dogs with parvo virus,
I'm sure the Humaine Society could supply us with the carriers.
Coming into this sad thread kind of late but with what I think is accurate information.

35 years ago I moved to Alaska to get away from the control of the cute little puppy (wolf) mongers and the self righteous self centered A$$es who want what they want and are willing to do anything to get it. I could not even get drawn for a deer or elk tag which I had been hunting for many years and in those days there were lots of deer and elk. The population centers deemed it unfair that those of us who lived in the game rich areas of eastern Oregon should not be able to hunt in our back yards to their exclusion so the did what a certain party does and got the laws changed so that I could watch strangers hunting literally in my back yard. I moved North.

We use to get a certain amount of people every year flying into Kodiak and standing in front of one or two stores trying to get our votes to stop the areial hunting of wolves in the Interior of Alaska. Then they wanted us to sign their petition initiating a bill to get a State income tax going. We finally convinced them that coming to Kodiak and bothering us was not something they should continue to do. Every year though they are coming to Alaska in numbers to match up with more of their kind threatening our legistlature on what they will do to us and our economy if we do not do what they want. Which is not control the preditor numbers.

Now for the good stuff. These are accurate true stories which show exactly what we are up against. 1. Nice well know lady here in Kodiak decides to and gets money to build a platform to view the waterfowl on one of our lakes. I have been watching birds for more years than she has been watching the ducks without the platform. But she got something stuck in her craw and now she can drive by every day and see the fruits of her labor and NO one standing on the nice viewing platform because the ducks are at the other end of the lake. 2. Recently this same lady found a friend of mine and family shooting at a beach ten miles away from population and a location that many of us have shot at forever. She tried to convince my friend that shooting would be best done elsewhere's because she walks on this beach from time to time and she doesn't like waiting for shooters to get done. My friend advised her he had been doing his thing since 1965 and he had no intention of changing. She became so angry she started to physically shake!
3. Recently our borough ( counties) spent $130,000 to study the best use of the many trails that we long time Kodiak residents built. First they were hiking trails and then motorcycle and 4-wheeler trails in some cases. We got a few more self centered idiots living in Kodiak. They convinced the borough to hire a company to evaluate the best use of the trails I and friends built because these new people " were offended by the smell of my exhaust fumes when they walk on the trails we built". They (borough)spent so much money that they had to cancel two services to accomidate the complaining self centered children that recently moved into my area. SO now we are banned from some of our trails. Anyone could use the trailers for anything before and not one hiker helped build one trail. Now we are being banned and citations may be issued if we use any motor vehicle to access distant salmon streams.

4. 3 years ago I was attacked 50 yards away from a full 500 yard shooting range. That would be ten stations! 12 twelve feet mama looked back and saw that her ( little) babies had not followed her the forty yards to where I with my two large dogs we standing behind two large cottonwood trees. I called out the troops and spoke with fish and game who blamed me for the encounter. I am at a full public range parked 50 yards away from the last shooter. They said my dogs initiated the attach by being there. I advised a one time good friend that he was now one of the political Fish and Game puppets! That the grass was chest high and the wind was blowing from the bear to me. That when the bear attacked she did not have a clue I had help. AT 12 feet one dog flanked her rear end and the big dog took her on in the front. SO when faced with three adversaries she checked on the kids and left without me killing her. To date both of the juvenile bears and there mother have been put down without human loss. That mama bear and her offspring were raised without fear of man or guns.

We can no longer count on the Fish and game operatives to make the correct choices. We the sportsman are subject too laws and right from wrong enforcement to a certain point. There are areas that Fish and Game have been lobbied, that now have so many preditors the same guides and lobby entities are now going to the same meetings and wanting to know what fish and game is going to do about so many preditors which have wiped out populations of Sheep in one area. Goats in another area. Many areas with zero moose fawn survival. So while you listen to this, that and the other person, think about global warming and the research that was falsified to make things seem worse than they are for someones personal agenda. If I have hunted an area ( yes I have) for 35 years and there is no longer game in that area it is not because of the spotted owl in Southern Oregon. When I spend 7 days in the back country after riding horse for 3 days in and I see one cow elk track and I see the tracks of four wolves on the cow track where for 20 years friends and family have taken several elk each hunting season and never ever saw a wolf track before! ( IDAHO) When I start seeing bear in areas ( KODIAK)I seldom use to see bears why is that? When the first two brown bear the past two years were killed by vehicles and it has never happened before why? This one is easy. Guides like great success rates. Bigger bears push smaller bears and sows off the good streams which in turn force the little bears into mans population as there is garbage and domestic animals. Fish and Game will fight this and I currently am no longer friends with those people because my views are contradictory to the bull they are feeding the media. I own remote property. I have a short stream of 1/2 mile in which two salmon runs utilize. There are 11-15 bear every single year lately feeding and dumping on my property. One mile away there is a 1 mile long stream with 20 bear feeding on a regular basis. It never use to be like this and it is getting worse. They haven't raised the limit of bears allowing harvested to amount to reduction. My wife has become fearful of going to our property as the bear population have been increasing every year. Three summers ago three bear were killed inside the Kodiak city limits one of which was on school property. One was on the city airport runway. One was on a local salmon steam taking fish away from fisherman. Others were taken raiding chicken coops or breaking plate glass windows in occupied homes.. Some of you saw pictures of one that ate her way through a door and was killed with a shot to the head from a home owner. These incidents are increasing every year and fish and game just ask us to try noise bombs and when that doesn't work put the bear down and call them. Well skinning and salvaging a bear hide is not fun work. Then giving it to fish and game? They created this problem and by keeping the take numbers where they are at they insure the problem will perpetuate itself.

Be wise because if you have game now you will not in the future. Your fish and Game or DNR do what they are told. They are told by the legislature! They say the Pipeline and the proposed pipelines that keep getting shut down in ALaska adversly effect the game in the area. I have personally seen grizzly bear and caribou along with muskox using the current pipe as a shade tree to get out of the sun in the treeless envirenment. By the way- we have lots of polar bears and are tired of people outside of Alaska telling us how to run our business. Kill every wolf you see and say nothing to anyone.

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Parvo and mange went through them a few years ago and didn't make much of a dent on the wolf, slowed the coyote down a little and wiped out the fox.

Thanks for giving us your story. I had no idea things were so bad up there. Is that just in your area or all over AK?

Tell us more about the polar bear issue. Doesn't Canada have quite a few of them? Is info (need I ask?) being falsified?

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