Why does your scope's zero shift? - video

It amazes me people will spend thousands on an uber rifle/scope/scope base and rings, and then wont spend 15 minutes and 50 bucks on a quality micrometer torque wrench and threadlock. :rolleyes:
Can someone post a link to the target vid that he talks about at the end explaining which targets to set your zero at? Wanting to improve my varmint hunting zero if it makes that big of a difference:D
i pulled the address off of the page source

www' youtube' com /watch?v= XMRBl10ChZ8

take out the spaces
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Bought the New Mossberg 4x4 in 300WM, will get the scope sorted out this weekend!

Ready to Bag me a deer!gun)
Weapon, weapon , weapon. I can't stand that term by ametures or profesionals.

My Rifles are Rifles, not weapons. (unless I shoot someone)
My hands are hands, unless I punch someone.
My knife is a knife, unless I stab someone.

"Every morning I fix a bowl of cereal then pick up my weapon(spoon) and feed myself"

Thats how stupid this guy sounds to me.

Weapon describes intent and anything can be a weapon if it is intended to inflict harm on someone/thing.

rant over.
Weapon, weapon , weapon. I can't stand that term by ametures or profesionals.

My Rifles are Rifles, not weapons. (unless I shoot someone)
My hands are hands, unless I punch someone.
My knife is a knife, unless I stab someone.

"Every morning I fix a bowl of cereal then pick up my weapon(spoon) and feed myself"

Thats how stupid this guy sounds to me.

Weapon describes intent and anything can be a weapon if it is intended to inflict harm on someone/thing.

rant over.

I 100% agree with you Jim. Very unprofessional. When I took the NRA instructors training course we were strongly taught to never refer to a firearm as a weapon. That is the kind of thing the liberal gun grabbers feed on. As hunters and sportsmen we are civilians pursuing a sport we love. We are not facing the enemy and we are not carrying a weapon.

Its a military thing, it dosent bother me, and I have never heard any of the stuff about the NRA before. Very interesting, I dont like when people call them assult rifles. I suppose he speeks like that because of the market his product has a foot hold in. The US Army uses his system alot. So I suppose, even if at one time he did call them rifles, repeted conversations with military procurement officers and end users caused him to start using the term weapons.
I have never heard any of the stuff about the NRA before. Very interesting.

I believe you are correct about it being a military thing and in those cases they are weapons. But in addressing hunters and sportmen, rifle or firarm is a better term.

I just in the last year or so completed these NRA courses.

Instructor for rifle, shotgun and pistol, as well as NRA cedrtified range officer training and hunter ed instructor.

Durring instructional practice and demonstrations if the word weapon was used the instructor would stop the person speaking and make him back up and start again. It was made clear that we were not to use the term at all with any students or anything affiliated with the NRA.

I'm glad to hear that Jeff, I correct about everyone who comes in the shop talking about there "weapons"

Lots of LE and retired LE use the same terms and I understand that way of thinking by them, but I like to correct them too, when they are in the shop.
Just as bad as using the term weapon....listen to all the whitetail hunting shows use the word "night" instead of saying a late afternoon hunt. Night hunting for deer is illegal! Thinking can be difficult at times:)
I had a hard time watching the video thinking how is this guy going to every take a shot at an animal from a fence post or tree or anything other than his mechanical rest with the stock in between his trusty lines!!! LOL, make sure to hold your rifle the same way from the bench as on that fence post too!!! I have a couple decent rifles and it wouldn't matter if a frog pulled the trigger. The darn bullet will go where the crosshairs are pointed. every time. That is of course unless a fly is sitting on the stock to make the HARMONICS different!! My rant over as well....

I do agree with the temp thing though. thats pretty important in ammo with some powders. Could be 50-75FPS gains or lossed depending on the temp!!!

Other than that, I like the video, I am going to watch the other one on targets right now!! I
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