

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
Laredo, Texas
I know this is not the place to post this but I want to ask everyone for your prayers. My dad had to be air lifted to San Antonio a few days ago because of his heart. The dr said it is a miracle that he didn't die while we were hunting last week in Africa. He was already getting chest pains but told me not to worry because it was just heart burn. The thing a dad will endure to please his kids. He will be having 4 bypasses this morning and I ask everyone for your prayers. I have never gone through this with any family member and they say the operation will last 4 hours. I want to Thank you all in advance for the prayers.
Sorry to hear about this, but thankfully he's Stateside and not in Africa right now.

Best wishes and prayers for your dad, you and family.
Thank you all for the prayers. He had 3 bypasses yesterday and had to be taken back to the OR for a 4th because his blood pressure dropped. He is stable now, but still on a ventilator. His lungs are working a little slow so they are going to keep him on it maybe until tomorrow. They have to keep sedating him because he wants to rip everything off when he wakes up. They are trying to keep him calm so everything can begin going back to normal. It's been rough seeing him all swollen up. Not exactly how you want to see your dad. Thank you for all the continued prayers. I will keep you all up to date with everything. Thank you all
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