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  • Shane,
    I haven't been on this site for quite awhile. Are you still located in Wyoming?
    If you're still visiting this site, give me a shout.
    Hi Shane,
    I'm down from the ranch in Orofino for a few days and thought I'd check in with LRH. How is everything in Wyoming? We took a couple of elk last fall within 140 yards of my shop. Got a 4X4 Whitetail as well. How was your fall?
    Shane, rec'd the MO this afternoon and took the package to UPS. Should go out tomorrow. Thanks again. Chris Graves
    Happy Easter Shane, hope you're not working today. Getting ready to cook ham mashed potatos, green beans ,biscutsalong with ham gravy and apple and lemon pies. That should have me asleep pretty quick. Mike and I spent half a day at the range yesterday and we are pretty satisfied with the setups we have . Over at savageshooters .com Mike has a shoot set up for June, he does a real nice job on it every year. Well wish everyone Happy easter and hope everyone is well.

    Hi Shane, Randy from Pa. Man I am really antsy to get out and do some shooting. The weather has been a little lousy for awhile so we haven't been out to the range much. Mike' s as bad as I am. We went the NRA dinner last Saturday and Mike won the 50/50 for $ 965.00. Not bad he'll need that money to pay the extra gas money this year in August. Looking forward to this summer still. Hope everyone is well and talk to you soon Randy
    i am looking to buy a scope for my 7 mm rem mag tikka t3 i was looking at the bushnell DOA but think i want some thing that will go out to 800 yards i have also looked at the TTC turret that are custom made for dialling in yardage and not MOA. but would like to know what would a good scope to go along with this 7 mm thanks.
    Hi Shane , Randy and Mike from Pa. We started getting brass ready and loading for this summer already.Looking forward to seeing you and your Dad again . Mike and I were talking and wondered if you want us to send some food money for your dogs [ha! ha!] We still sit around thinking about how much we enjoyed your hospitality and letting us hunt your ranch. I am really bored here in Pa. went to a few gun shows and shops looking for anything to maybe do another build with and so far not much luck. I did get lucky and got a bear this year, wasn't big but taste real good. Well I'll go for now and hope your having a good winter. randy and Mike
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