Thermal viewer

Hope the truth didn't hurt you too bad.
You can come here and be helpful and respectful or go away. This is not the place for keyboard jockey tough guys. It does appear that 24 hr campfire may be a better fit for you at this time. They spend more time there pointing out each others short comings with great delight.

If you decide to stick around, take down the aggressiveness. If you decide to go away do it quietly.

You go back and read his quotes. I agree with you I hope that guys like that do go away; I guess if the shoe fits wear it! Have a happy new year everyone.
I have used the Pulsar XD 50 scope. It is good for the money. I would think the xp 28 would be a step below it. Which would be ok in a viewer. I would not want to use it as a scope. Just not enough definition. Here is an example with our viewer. I found a target in the road ahead of us at 100 yards. Could not tell what it was. We use the viewer so we do not have to scan with a heavy rifle. Pulled my rifle up with the Pulsar XD 50. Middle of the road scope. The white form looked like a bobcat. My brother pulled his rifle up with the Reap IR. Top of the line scope. Sure enough it was a bobcat sitting in the middle of the road licking his paws. Buy the absolute best you can afford.
Steve: That was one of his smart *** remarks about the 24 hr campfire thing and the only reason I made the statement about loony tunes; I never even heard of 24 hr. campfire. I felt he was jockeying me, if he wasn't I apologize . I don't take things setting down . If I fell some one is trying to make me out as a liar, something I will not do intentionally, or try to make people think I don't know what I am talking about, they will get it back with both barrels. I always try to be helpful to anyone that needs it, and like anyone else, I like the right to voice my opinion without someone making stupid remarks to make me look dumb. Again I feel I was being made a fool of and I will not stand for it, I hope you don't either. Happy new years to all and may 2018 be a straight shooter for you.
Steve: That was one of his smart *** remarks about the 24 hr campfire thing and the only reason I made the statement about loony tunes; I never even heard of 24 hr. campfire. I felt he was jockeying me, if he wasn't I apologize . I don't take things setting down . If I fell some one is trying to make me out as a liar, something I will not do intentionally, or try to make people think I don't know what I am talking about, they will get it back with both barrels. I always try to be helpful to anyone that needs it, and like anyone else, I like the right to voice my opinion without someone making stupid remarks to make me look dumb. Again I feel I was being made a fool of and I will not stand for it, I hope you don't either. Happy new years to all and may 2018 be a straight shooter for you.
Rich is a very nice guy that has no ill toward anyone. He sometimes has a hard time being miss understood. When he asks a question he means it. He simply doesn't know.

Sorry if I came on too strong. I like Rich, and it have seen him picked on and called names before, and there is no good reason to do that to him.

I am sorry for ruining a good thread guys.

Rich : I will take Steve's word that I probably misunderstood what you were trying to get across. Please accept my apologies , I think this was probably the first time we met on here. It appears that Steve knows you and we just met the wrong way, Have a happy new year. And Steve you didn't ruin the thread, The guys just played through us. Sorry for the obstacles guys. Happy new year. Good luck hunting and be safe.
Buck Buster,

Apology accepted. Thanks. Since I have experienced lots of posts like your earlier posts on this thread at 24hour I put you on "ignore". The only reason I opened it is because RockyMtnMT likes it. I was delighted to see your earlier posted gone. I will take you off "ignore" for my future reading pleasure.

Some people can legally hunt varmints with thermal so I didn't understand your antagonism to new technology.
I wouldn't mind it for varmints either. I'm from PA and the use of electronic devises to take big game animals are pretty much illegal; You can use electronics, like tape players to hunt fox and coyotes. I just feel it isn't fair chase using them to locate deer 600 yards away that could not be seen by any other method. That is just my opinion and if it becomes legal then I will have to live with it, like I did when they passed the two weeks of concurrent deer season here in PA that I was not in favor of. Have a happy new year Rich and shoot straight my friend.
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