Shots going right

Gary Kaney

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
When shooting from my bench. At 100 yds. i'm right on, at 200 i'm 1.5"right , at 300 i'm 6" right, and at400 i'm 20" right. This was with my 223. So i bedded the one base made sure the scope was level, check the crown for damage, Same thing. I tried 2 other rifles , same thing. Needed new glasses so i went and had my eyes checked , no change in vision. Heres the kicker . Today i'm leaving for S. Dak. P D hunting. Why is this all of a sudden happening. I'm thinking these so called golden years ain't so.
I can't think of anything that would cause that drastic of a drift except wind. Plus the numbers are multiplying. In other words the 3/4 moa you are off at 200 turns into 2 moa at 300 and 5 moa at 400 yards. ??

Are you dialing the turret for each shot?

I don't think you could cant the rifle enough to do this.

I would look for wind, paralax and mirage problems??

Leveling the scope does not always level the POI . because of barrel harmonics and slight canting
this can be a problem.

Use your level and start moving the scope off level until it prints vertical from 100 to 5 or 600 yards.
I use a piece of masking tape on one of the rings and another on the scope body beside the taped
ring. Make a reference mark and use it as a bench mark to start.

This can also occur when using a sling for prone shooting.

Just some thoughts.

I've got to bless my wife for(forcing this laptop on me). Yesterday when i shot the 223 & 243 as i discrided both were shooting right. So i went to the safe and got out a 308 that has not a bullet down the barrel for over 4 yrs. Same thing, 16" right @400. The last time i shot the 308 was down in OKLA. & 1000 yds. This thing is driving me crazy.
For got to add. Yesterday mirage was zero, wind was 1/4 value @7mph. All three scopes are side focus. Tomarrow i'll let my shooting partner shoot them and see what comes from that.
If numerous rifles of yours are shooting right, that pretty much rules out a mechanical issue. Unless the same issue was built into numerous rifles you happen to own. Not saying this isn't a flaw in the rifle, but just looking at the lowest common denominator, the shooter.

Are you shooting prone with a sling? or off a steady rest?
Shooting off bags.
I'm with you it's got to be someting i'm doing. I'll see today. I'm going to try one of my partners guns and let him try onr of mine.
This almost sounds like a trigger pull or cheek weld issue. I know if I being right handed yank the trigger instead of squeezing it the bullet always goes right. Just a thought.

There's one other thing I can think of that's not shooter related.

It's the possibility of the scope being mounted off center to the bore. I know, I know, not likely on most rifles; but it's all I could think of, and this guy's leaving soon for a hunt.

This thought comes from one of my great uncles' Benchrest rifles that had the scope mounted 1" left of TDC (yes, on purpose). We could shoot the wings off flies with it at 100, but it took a ton of adjustment to get zero'd at 300. I can only assume that it would be ever increasing as distance got further. Not necessarily proportionally either...??

Just a thought, probably nothing.
If numerous rifles of yours are shooting right, that pretty much rules out a mechanical issue. Unless the same issue was built into numerous rifles you happen to own. Not saying this isn't a flaw in the rifle, but just looking at the lowest common denominator, the shooter.

Are you shooting prone with a sling? or off a steady rest?


Have someone else shoot your rifle and see if your still having the same result.
POI is not the issue. All my scopes are mounted in Burris Signature rings. Here's the deal.IT'S ME. It rained last night and today, so we left a day early. Got in some late afternoon shooting thursday. Had mediocre shooting Friday. Saturday we had 700 yd. shooting. Stayed on 2 d. towns all day. When we got out thier, right from the get go is was on target all the way out to 700 yd. dogs. At home my range is only out to 400 yds. and i've come to the conclusion it has just got boring to ME. I need to find another range to play on.
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