Shooters in Oregon

My drop data is great. My ability to dope the wind at the target is not so good. I'd say I'm 95 percent at 800 yards. Cold bore at a grand ? 70%
My rifle shoots beter than I do. After I make a hit on the plate I can continue to hit around 8 inch group. It's the first one that's important too and I'm not geting it done yet. But I know I will after I shoot out a few barels.
That's the truth when I was doing alot of competition shooting it was easy to lay down and shoot well. Now i really have to focus on wht I'm doing or I F it all up lol.
Y a I spoke with her and got some literature mailed to me on the shoot. No I did not ask how much... I thought someone said 20$ ???? Iduno.... No news from tmfisher ? asked him if he wannted to come out to my place and shoot this week end... I have a 650 and 950 yard gong... Or you can shoot off of bipod at any distance out to 2000 yards...

Hey guys! I'm back! Hey dustybrown, I'd love to get together and shoot, anytime. Didn't get any msgs. from you yet. Haven't pulled a trigger yet, wife has me busy! ;) dustybrown, PM me or send me a shout at [email protected] we can go from there.. I'll check back this eve, c-ya!
Season went well, pretty slow rotation for delivering. Still pretty chilly up there, it was 65 degrees in Pendleton today. Will start banging away in the morning. Got the wife talked into a Portland trip to shop for a new Glock!! Pretty excited maybe go Friday. We'll see
I think I have a freind talked out of horn hunting. He wants to come to Ione also. He shoots a red rock precision 7 mag. I'm chompin at the bit. I just hope it's nice weather.
Sounds like a sweet gun. After I build an edge I'm gonna build a 7mm I killed a nice buck at 600 yards a couple years ago with a plain ruger 7mm
Boy I'm glad we have another week end to practice before Ione. Today was frustrating. tm fisher pounded my 650 yd. gong today!!! nice job... get them burgers loaded up... try it again next weekend... let me know... Dusty
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Hey Dusty, thanks again for having me over. I'll be ready for the weekend if the weather holds, it's supposed too. Working on loads with the Bergers I got from you, I'll be ready to go to 950 this time!

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