SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Re: PALIN I'd trust her further than Obama or Biden!

Let me know and we'll find someone to hold the money for a while.


ps: You asked why Colin Powell endorsed Obama, well maybe race has something to do with it? Maybe it's pure politics? I sure hope Obama doesn't appoint Powell to something important, he is 71yrs old and likely to drop dead at any minute ;)

I do expect to see something in the way of an anti-gun bill in the next four years also. So I wouldn't take you up on any anti-gun law in 4 yrs. I would bet you 5:1 (you 5, me 1) than none of the firearms, rifles, shotguns, semi-auto pistols, or revolvers I own will be taken from me in the next 4 years due to anti-gun legislation. 10 shot clips will probably be back in play and background checks at gun shows type of stuff. But I don't believe I'm going to lose any of my guns. In Alaska we can carry concealed weapons without any permit, provided 21 yrs of age & no criminal record. Concealed carry has become fairly common in many states now and crime has come down as a consequence. I'm aware some Democrats would like to outlaw firearms, but I believe enough of them know they'll be voted out, just like many Republicans will be voted out this time around, if they get too out of hand.

As to McCain dying, I get a creepy feeling voting on anyones life, be it McCain, Powell, whoever. I understand what you're saying about the risk he took in selecting Palin. I agree he took a gamble. But we're talking about the woman possibly ending up in the office of the Presidency? This is serious stuff and he treats it like we're playing a game? How could the guy believe she could be presented as a typical small-town country mom on the one hand, yet still be qualified to step in as commander-in-chief on the other. He ought to be able to project better than that. If the election is close, selecting Palin very well may have cost him the election. Virtually every poll now shows that people have come around to the understanding that you can't have it both ways. They show Palin costing McCain plenty of votes.

Get out and vote and make sure all your buddies go also. I really don't object to McCain but Palin? She's a show stopper for me.
Re: PALIN - The Nincompoop - Unfit for Duty

It is clear who the enemy is. This intellectual wannabe is simply a liberal hack whose disrespectful tongue salivates at the agony suffered by good people. He is an Obamist with like sentiments. I would not be surprised if he voted for Obama. He may deny it but we will never know the truth. He sticks his foot in his mouth every chance he gets. He even goes as far to insult somebody's spelling when he demonstrates severe flaws in his own writing skills. In short, this person is a pompous hypocrite. Powell was wrong to endorse Obama, plain and simple. The general is not immune to making mistakes and he made a big one by endorsing a corrupt individual who has atrocious relationships with terrorists. What was Powell thinking? Powell doesn't get a pass on this one- he is wrong- shamefully wrong.

This hack has had fun with good people and it is time to ignore him. He feeds on others dismay and obviously loves it. A real sicko.

Surveyor's the one that started the spelling issue in another thread, and Hunter knows which thread that is because he's been chanting go gal go on all of them.

Yeah, you're right and Powell's wrong. And you've given me every reason to trust and respect you. Do you take your PC down there where you reside, or do your crawl up out of the gutter to enlighten us.

No, I don't read all your posts, so if I'm unresponsive it's because I wrote you off a couple of weeks ago. If you'd spend as much time campaigning positively in Florida maybe you could swing your home state to McCain. But you'd have to be polite about it and therefore, you'd likely be a liability to cause.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Not fit for Duty per Colin Powell

A few years ago powell came out with his world view. He never supported us on the 2nd Amendment and he's pro-choice . That's enough for me. I heard one of his reasons for supporting BO is he didn't want to be left out on the Washington parties list. So just what do those stars mean? I've never been in the armed forces but I thought our soldiers are taught to never leave your partner or fellow soldier behind. This is a Character issue here. This guy is a back stabber, a 24 hour friend....... Today on MCNBC just before I left for local rifle range they said in last 8 battle ground states BO and McCain were tied !!!! Hey now that's what MSNBC said. So to me that means the "fat lady" has not getting ready to sing. Rather then keep my fingers crossed I choose to pray to God the standard for ultimate transcending truth.

You respected Powell as long as he was a Republican, but he's a back stabber now that he supports the Democrat nominee for President? That pretty much tells the story. "You're either with us or against us." Done us a lot of good over the past 8 years. But do get out and vote. Politicians will pay attention to the numbers. If enough people feel the same as you, and they take the time to vote, then good for ya.
Maybe Colin Powell was promised a job as head of Obama's "Civilian National Security Force". There might even be a candidate on board here that would make a good lieutenant for it. Never mind that the whole idea seems to come right out of Orwell's 1984 or maybe the "Brown Shirts" from 1938 Germany.

I also hear BO is cashing in on untraceable prepaid credit card donations. Now there's a novel way of getting some back door foreign influence in our American elections. No wonder he went campaigning on foreign soil as a "citizen of the world".

I'll happily give my support for McCain and our frontier girl from small town Wasilla, Alaska who hunts, fishes, is one of the most popular governors in the union, and is a Life NRA member. Someone we know and trust, meet in the grocery store, and at the snowmachine races.

May God bless the majority of Americans with the wisdom to elect McCain/Palin on Tuesday and avoid Biden's predicted international crisis that would be caused by electing an incompetent Obama. The choice is clear (for clear thinkers) <wink>.
You presume that I respected Powell.What other false presumptions do you live by? It was several years ago he came out with his world view.Since then I wrote him off. Your naive about the depth of the up and coming anti gun bills. I live in CA ( One of the most anti gun states in the union)the speaker of the houses state. Here they want to serial number bullets ! Yea that's right. We have a lead ban here for the Condors.I could go on and on about the restrictions we have and you don't. The restrictions here will become federal I bet before his first year. Besides that there are all kinds of ways for us Californians to be suspected of doing to get are guns confiscated . You live in Gun owners heaven and you speak the language of our Nancy Pilousy ,Barbara Boober and Nancy Frankenstien . You have a bad case of tunnel vision.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lost cause.

Well there are plenty of reasons I live in Alaska, but Sarah isn't one of them.

Anyhow, I've heard of some of the nutso gun & ammo bans/proposals coming out of California. Nice weather climate down there for sure - but a ****-poor political climate.

The only thing separating you from Alaska is what... 3000 miles? You can pack steel here 24 hrs a day.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lost cause.

Well there are plenty of reasons I live in Alaska, but Sarah isn't one of them.

Anyhow, I've heard of some of the nutso gun & ammo bans/proposals coming out of California. Nice weather climate down there for sure - but a ****-poor political climate.

The only thing separating you from Alaska is what... 3000 miles? You can pack steel here 24 hrs a day.

DUDE I can't believe what you just posted " A ****-poor political climate" Yes that's what we have and you think that's because of conservative values? No dude its because of leftest of the likes of BO and Biden and your in their corner.Yes you !!!!! No doubt your in denial but dude you just shot your own foot off.... Me move to Alaska ? For what? Life isn't about things its about relationships. My family is down here. Sara loves her family,her little baby whom she holds dearly like a mother should. The liberal media has all but crucified that God fearing woman because of her pro-life views that she practices . Man were talking real life. All the good people that have posted opposing view to yours are all various versions of real life issues that are now under threat because of that ----------- I could just scream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lost cause.

DUDE I can't believe what you just posted " A ****-poor political climate" Yes that's what we have and you think that's because of conservative values? No dude its because of leftest of the likes of BO and Biden and your in their corner.Yes you !!!!! No doubt your in denial but dude you just shot your own foot off.... Me move to Alaska ? For what? Life isn't about things its about relationships. My family is down here. Sara loves her family,her little baby whom she holds dearly like a mother should. The liberal media has all but crucified that God fearing woman because of her pro-life views that she practices . Man were talking real life. All the good people that have posted opposing view to yours are all various versions of real life issues that are now under threat because of that ----------- I could just scream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let me take back the part about coming to Alaska. I don't want you. You cleary fit in better down there in that ****-poor political climate. You can either adapt to it, or whine about it on this forum and thread. If Sarah's your lover, I thought you might want to travel north, because that's where she'll be after this election.

If your believe Sarah was sent by God to salvage Republican train wreck of Election 2008, then you get to vote for her. She's as unqualified as the typical small town Hockey mom, and as a consequence, completely unfit for duty in the White House. I think I know her just as well, if not better than you. When's the first time you heard of Sarah Palin? What do you know about her other than what your never failing conservative Republican party has preached about her?

You don't like my polictical positions and opinions, and you don't like all the other citizens in the country that share similar positions and opinions - tough and you're SOL. You and your loyal Republican party should have considered the consequences of your behaviors over the past 8 years. Being politically astute means being able to project the consequences of one's course of action. And then having the common sense to compromise in the effort to survive longer than 4 or 8 years at a time.

You've bought into the "You're either with us or against us" slogan in such a big-time way that you practice it religiously in your life; even in your prior post on this thread. I disagree with you so I'm the source of your problems? Talk about cry-baby intolerant. About the only thing you've left out is the part that you're on a mission, and God's by your side. Then you'd be invincible, untouchable, beyond questioning in your own narrow-minded method of analysis. We'll see if God's on your side come Tueday.

If Bush and the Republican party hadn't practiced the "You're either with us or against us" principle the past eight years, I and a majority in the country believe we'd be better off today. What's going to be interesting is when you and the other "You're either with us or against us" Republicans realize that you're a clear minority - like Tuesday after the polls close. You gonna pout and cry? You gonna take up arms? You gonna start a crusade. Or are you gonna get over it and accept that fact that there are others in the country that see things differently than you, and there are more of them than you's all-knowing conservative Republicans? You'll either adapt to co-exist under the new majority, or spend the rest of your life whining and complaining.

Guys like you (plus Sarah on the ballot) make it easy for the rest of us who aren't "with you" to vote Democratic this time around. If your narrow-mindedness and exclusionary approach to politics and life is representative of the majority of the Republicans in this country, then call me a Democrat. Coming from you, I'll consider it a compliment.

So as I advised Hunter, grab you're hankies on the way back from voting, they'll be clearly labeled "Republican", because even the store managers are smart enough to know there's a breed of Republicans that are SOL this time around.

After reading your post, you're clearly in some kinda political pain. So let me offer you this; "I feel your pain". Suck it up.
Granted Bush screwed up big time. I'm not the crowd and the crowed isn't always right. I'm not going to dilute the truth either..... Hey why can't the source of this con mans money be traced........ How old are you? What is your job? What is your world view? What is ultimate truth to you?
"Narrow minded"??? How "narrow minded" is it to elect a person with such a clear solicialist agenda, associates with known terrorists and con men, by his own words went out his way to associate with Marxist minded people, not to mention his un-believable anti-second amendment record just to spite an out going leader and vice presidential nominee?

Be careful what you wish may get it. If you actually work for a living, you'll really be getting it. His thresold of "wealthy" is falling every day..................Phorwath, best of luck if your precious Obama wins........hopefully you have a good job, there are a lot of deadbeats out there counting on you and the rest of us to supprt them!

I'm done with this thread.............................
Hopefully we see more of her really soon. I took this pic 2 weeks ago.
Hopefully we see more of her really soon. I took this pic 2 weeks ago.

Sarah Palin was the only true conservative on the ticket. Republican turncoats are betraying her trust as we write. They are distorting and betraying inside information from the campaign. Her republican detractors are spineless moochers who went along for a self serving ride. Now that news of their terrible campaign performance is out they conveniently point the finger at the already designated scapegoat, Gov. Palin. When their names are revealed they should be blackballed from any conservative or republican activities. After all, who needs turncoats amongst their campaign? We all know she was unfairly treated by the liberal propaganda machine that almost single handedly swayed the masses to vote for their lord Obama. I still admire Gov. Palin and no amount of embellished dirty laundry about her compares to Obama's stinking past. She remained truest to the conservative philosophy and for that she has my respect.
I hope she will stay her coarse and more will follow with the energy she has for change! we need to kick the dust off some of them in DC they have out lived there use and have forgot the drive that got them there.gun)
Just asking guys... but did she actually she confused about the relationship between Africa and South Africa? I just got a blurp of it on the news but I can understand that a more left leaning media may twist things a little.
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