Remington Action

Both of my new Remington 700's have RR actions.
Remmy Long Range 30/06 and Remmy SPS Varmint 308.
I just started shooting both of them last week and have about 400 bullets threw each barrles .
No problem for accuracy in either of them as I prepare too push these rifles limits into F Class matches in 2018.

I'll be putting heavy target match barrel on both once I launch 2500 rounds.

The Remmy Long Range got a zero stress action bedding job, Jewel trigger, and Sightron scope.

The Remmy SPS is soon too get the same work over and same optics.

I just returned home from a 4 day shoot as both rifles were nailing the 16" gong at 600M off the Henry Remple F Class bypod rest.

It took 2 days too get my ranging dialed in with my own crappy re-loads, but it finally all came together on Sunday and today.

I'm sure there are better quality rifles out there that can kick *** on both of my new Remington's,,, but the nice thing about these actions is they are easy too work over when fitting new barrels.

No fear here in my world since Remington would address any issue if something were too come up.

After 400 rounds threw each,,, I don't see anything out of place in quality as I push both of these rifles too their max from 400 too 900M's in the next few weeks up here in Western Canada.

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I have a friend that rebarrels a lot of the 700s with match grade barrels. Never heard of the Remington 700 action being problematic. Now, if you're talking about the Remington 770? What a turd, can't believe a reputable manufacturer like Remington put their name on this ***. I've seen factory 700s shoot as accurately as any other brand.
I thought Remington actions were machined from bar stock , not cast like Ruger . Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

That comment wasn't about the receiver. It was about the the bolt handle and it's placement on the bolt.
The primary extraction is completely messed up on the new Rems, I move every handle and retime them when I build with them, even better is to just replace the handle while I'm at it.
The best way to get Rem actions is through PTG, they can be had with a new bolt fitted to them and mandrel trued for the same price many are selling Rem actions.
The receivers are running out about .0025 ish on the receiver face and .0015 on the lug abutments which is not all that bad, the poor quality is the bolt!
I have a friend that rebarrels a lot of the 700s with match grade barrels. Never heard of the Remington 700 action being problematic. Now, if you're talking about the Remington 770? What a turd, can't believe a reputable manufacturer like Remington put their name on this ***. I've seen factory 700s shoot as accurately as any other brand.
Let's not forget that sh!tbox the model 710, too... If I remember correctly, the barrels on those were press-fit and the action was plastic. It was just horrendous. The 770 wasn't any better. Both were complete garbage from the get-go. Used to have idiots bring them into the gun store and want us to figure out why they couldn't hit a **** thing with them. We would usually explain that just because it starts with a "7" and has 3-digits in the model number doesn't mean it's the same as a 700. So we'd politely tell them to just spend the extra $$$ on a 700 ADL or BDL, and that we'd set them up with a good scope and bore-sight it for them, and "sweeten the deal", and they'd usually buy a REAL 700 with a REAL scope, and were much happier.

Sometimes you just have to steer people in the right direction to get them to realize they had previously been steered into the wrong direction.
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Here is something posted on another site.......
If the action has an RR prefix on the serial number you can GUARANTEE it to be AFU right out of the box. Remington changed foundries a few years back and whoever made the tool for investment casting screwed it up badly. Cam surfaces are not tangent to the action feature and its in the wrong position. There is NO PE on this series of action. We fix every single one of them that comes through here.
Well guess what! Remington 700 actions are made of bar stock! They are NOT investment cast!
Just about everything on the new rem 700 actions is better. RR included. They are certainly much truer. The handles are a little different and out of time on most. Any good riflesmith should have no problem correcting this. A simple modification to the handle, re position it and your done. You do not need a new handle, you can if you like though. I know primary extraction is all the rage these days but if your not having extraction issues, you probably dont have a problem with your action.
Let's not forget that sh!tbox the model 710, too... If I remember correctly, the barrels on those were press-fit and the action was plastic. It was just horrendous. The 770 wasn't any better. Both were complete garbage from the get-go. Used to have idiots bring them into the gun store and want us to figure out why they couldn't hit a **** thing with them. We would usually explain that just because it starts with a "7" and has 3-digits in the model number doesn't mean it's the same as a 700. So we'd politely tell them to just spend the extra $$$ on a 700 ADL or BDL, and that we'd set them up with a good scope and bore-sight it for them, and "sweeten the deal", and they'd usually buy a REAL 700 with a REAL scope, and were much happier.

Sometimes you just have to steer people in the right direction to get them to realize they had previously been steered into the wrong direction.

Had the same kind of guy bring his 770 to me. The rear action screw threads into a brass ferrule which is pressed into the plastic action. I've found there are no replacement parts available for these rifles. Found the kid a nice Savage 111 with a decent Vortex. He's much happier and got $125 for the turd.
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