Prairie dogs are out


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
went out this morning and shot p-dogs. Had a good morning. Son's girl friend shot one at 700 yds with her 25 gibbs. We had a 5- 8 mph wind most of the day. We killed out to 400yds pretty consistantly. Lots of adults out playing. Good day. He had a 204, and I was shooting 22-250 akly.
We were out the other day here in CO. We try not to take to many of them though this time of year. We enjoy clearing a mound of youngs ones to much when May rolls around. :D Always fun in the P-Dog fields.

We were on a couple of ranches. Both want them gone. I don't believe you can wipe out a town just by shooting though. One man told me if I run out he had more towns he'd get me on. Try try try...
We were out the other day here in CO. We try not to take to many of them though this time of year. We enjoy clearing a mound of youngs ones to much when May rolls around. :D Always fun in the P-Dog fields.


I was looking over our Colorado prairie dog closure dates and was surprised to see closed from March 1 to June 15. Unless I am mistaken we used to be the same as Utah, closed April 1 to June 15.
The season dates for public property in CO seem to change about every year. The Blues in CO want to give those pergo P-Dogs a change :). I hunt private property that has no dates so it's something I have never had to worry about.

Do out of staters have to have a license to shoot varmints on public land in Wy? I shot PD's on a friends ranch in 1998 but don't remember.
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