Multiple Sclerosis


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2018
Eastern NC
I started another thread about switching shooting side due to some symptoms of this, optic neuritis. Anyone else ever deal with crap and hunting through it. Most people seem to says it's not the disease it once was with current treatments. But I am new to it and still making heads and tails of it all having just been diagnosed.
I started another thread about switching shooting side due to some symptoms of this, optic neuritis. Anyone else ever deal with crap and hunting through it. Most people seem to says it's not the disease it once was with current treatments. But I am new to it and still making heads and tails of it all having just been diagnosed.
Sure hope that you get the correct treatment and that you recover fully. Will be praying for you!
Len & Jill
I had looked this up once before for someone I knew and may help you. There are more organizations out there dedicated to help hunters with MS. Wish you many years of hunting and outdoors.

I've had Ms for 31 yrs, Heat flairs up Optic Neuritis for me so I dress light to reduce my body heat & learning to slow down while walking helps. My best advice is get started on a disease modifying therapy drug as soon as you can to slow down the progression. My hard hunting days are over but I'm also 62 yrs but I'm still trying. Killed my antelope 2 weeks ago. Hunting is harder but still in reach.
Good luck. Here"s my cell # if you have any questions, feel free to call.
I started another thread about switching shooting side due to some symptoms of this, optic neuritis. Anyone else ever deal with crap and hunting through it. Most people seem to says it's not the disease it once was with current treatments. But I am new to it and still making heads and tails of it all having just been diagnosed.
I am heartily sorry for your health issues. I pray that you find some resolution to your case.
I've had Ms for 31 yrs, Heat flairs up Optic Neuritis for me so I dress light to reduce my body heat & learning to slow down while walking helps. My best advice is get started on a disease modifying therapy drug as soon as you can to slow down the progression. My hard hunting days are over but I'm also 62 yrs but I'm still trying. Killed my antelope 2 weeks ago. Hunting is harder but still in reach.
Good luck. Here"s my cell # if you have any questions, feel free to call.
@VTbluegrass, @Steve L is a good guy.


I still hope to be able to join you and your wife at range one of these days.

Gday vtbluegrass I wish you many years of hunting to come

This may be applicable to you & others as I personally know a few hunters that hung up their favourite rifles a longtime ago & working closely with them & a bullet manufacturing company some time back we were able to get their guns out of the safe & back shooting them once again & it was something I'm so proud to be associated with & one of these guys is even shooting a 45-70&45-90 & some usually snappy recoiling rifle chamberings with relative ease also 😍

If anyone is interested send me a pm as I don't want to derail this thread
& just for clarification I m not selling any products I just love to help & when you get messages & calls of wow & their first deer & pig with the new outfit my payment is repaid in full he even got a yote the other day 😍
Sorry you have to deal with MS. My mother had it and was diagnosed in the mid 90s as far as I'm aware...I was a preteen at the time but remember how debilitating it could be. She would go for weeks or months with minor symptoms and then severe out of the middle of thin air. She has since passed (not due to MS directly) but things were getting better with treatments and drugs through the early 2000's. Hope you find a way to continue hunting and doing the things you love!