Mount pics


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
My dad got his 2011 bull back from the taxidermist and we got it hung in his new house. It looks really good. The bulls scored 382 1/2" with 60" main beams.


Yep.Thats my dream bull,trying to get one for 35 yrs.My hunting bud got one close to that caliber this year with bow.370+, H1 was 12.5''
Awesome mount and trophy of a lifetime… making me anxious seeing this I'm gonna have to start pestering my taxidermist now… lol
Thats what I figured. Does the tax have a web sight? Putting in for another bonus point for elk and antelope. My buddy drew a elk tag somewhere down there. He said its a awesome unit, don't no which one.
Got my 2011 bull done and had a problem cause his rack went back past the rear of the mount; taxidermist is an old friend of mine and told him I'd made a pedestal for him out of walnut so that would cure it … didn't come out to bad but I keep playing with adding and take'n away from it once in a while… so far this is what I have.


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