Know anyone looking for a job in wyoming?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
Yesterday one of my guys told me he had to move back to Michigan for family related issue and you have to leave the middle of next month. So I have a job opening for anyone in the area interested. We rebuild several different pumps valves and regulators which are use in the natural gas fields in southern wyoming. We are located in Basin.
I would love to hear more about this, I lost my job after 22+ yrs due to company going under, and really could use a job right now

Sent you a Pm also
This is an old post from back in April 2010 I believe. The position was filled. But I will be sure to post it here if something else happens to pop up. I am a little surprised because I got no responce when I posted it. But now its overwhelming the number of responces. So hopefylly next time I have something I can help someone out. Anyone who wants to send a resume is more than welcome to and I will keep it on file email me at [email protected] or mail it to me at michael newton PO box 591 basin WY, 82410
Mike, may-be you can help these guys out a bit with some local information.

With the oil boom in MT and ND the companys are usually hiring as long as oil is over $65 a barrel. Thats not just oil companys but every thing related to the huge influx of workers. Construction, welders, pipefitters, excavators, laborers, salesmen, truckers, mechanics, delivery drivers, security, food services, crane operators, ect.

In general is the job market growing in WY? What areas of employment are in demand.
Might help some of the guys.

I will be forwarding you my resume, just in case you are ever in need of a rifle nut with an Engineering Degree.

Good point Jim ill tell what I know.
I am no economist so don't take this as absolute fact but just my perception of how things are out here. Yes when oil is up people hire more makes Sence. However things have been so bad in the world market that even oil and gas producers are doing more with less. Which is to say they are trying to get more bang for their Buck. Which trickles down and means less overall jobs. They are drilling a few Wells here and there but nothing significant. 3 years ago you could stand in the middle of the gas field in southern Wyoming and see rigs in Any direction. But now all you see are rigs stacked up in the yard. I would say overall the job market in Wyoming is treading water at best maybe even slowly declining. It is still much better here than most places because we do have so many natural resources. But in a lot of jobs in the oil/gas field your busy and rich some times the rest of the time your laid off waiting to he called back to work. It just depends on what you do. Rigs are that way. Company hands are much more stable. I can certainly point some people In the right direction. Overall I feel that anyone willing to work and Willing to work hard doing whatever they can could stay quite busy out here. Weither its rousabout jobs or office jobs. There are plenty of people looking. Our biggest problem is findng people who want to actually work. So shoot me an email and ill give you a list of companies that will at least get you started in the right direction. If that is the direction out want to go. I will say this most oil/gas jobs will be down in southern Wyoming where its windy and cold and more windy but its Wyoming where the hunting is great. If you get lucky you could find a job and live up in the north where I live. Its mild temps and not near the wind. Good luck everyone
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